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The Family is the oldest and arguably most influential religious political organization in Washington  (Arguably Quotes) Questioning the ostensibly unquestionable premises of our way of life is arguably the most urgent of services we owe our fellow humans and ourselves  (Arguably Quotes) Courage is inseparable from love and leads to what may arguably be the noblest of all warrior virtues: selflessness  (Arguably Quotes) I looked like a ‘Super Mario Bros.’ Goomba. It’s arguably the ugliest haircut on the planet  (Arguably Quotes) After all, reading is arguably a far more creative and imaginative process than writing; when the reader creates emotion in their head, or the colors of the sky during the setting sun, or the smell of a warm summer's breeze on their face, they should reserve as much praise for themselves as they do for the writer - perhaps more  (Arguably Quotes) Canada’s official languages program is arguably the most successful affirmative action program in history  (Arguably Quotes) Arguably, the Venice Film Festival is the second best film festival in the world, after Cannes  (Arguably Quotes)
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