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Aria Quotes

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Dictatorship is always merely an aria, never an opera  (Aria Quotes) The aria, after all, is the soul of opera  (Aria Quotes) For many years, I thought a poem was a whisper overheard, not an aria heard  (Aria Quotes) I was born singing. Most babies cry, I sang an aria  (Aria Quotes) Writing is a performance, like singing an aria or dancing a jig  (Aria Quotes) Oh, this was champ. She'd found herself a Savage prince. Don't laugh, she told herself. Don't laugh, Aria  (Aria Quotes) His hand snapped shut over the device and then he crossed his arms. Aria stared in horror. Her Smarteye was buried in a Neanderthal's armpit  (Aria Quotes) Memoir is trustworthy and its truth assured when it seeks the relation of self to time, the piecing of the shards of personal experience into the starscape of history’s night. The materials of memoir are humble, fugitive, a cottage knitting industry seeking narrative truth across the crevasse of time as autobiography folds itself into the vast, fluid essay that is history. A single voice singing its aria in a corner of the crowded world  (Aria Quotes) Youth has many glories, but judgement is not one of them, and no amount of electronic amplification can turn a belch into an aria  (Aria Quotes) My father was an American who could cuss in Italian and make an aria out of it. It was wonderful to watch. But then again, he was a Gemini. I believe in that stuff  (Aria Quotes) Obama has figured out the best method to prepare the way for his verbal Houdini acts: Use political noise as the tune-up din before the aria. Perhaps his body temperature is so low, it sometimes takes him too long to break out the song.  (Aria Quotes)