Arnold Palmer Quotes

Text Quotes
If you are really serious about playing golf and playing good golf, stick to the basic fundamentals. Sure, there’s going to be a little change here and a change there, but you don’t want to make them. You want to stick to the things that you started with, and you learned, and you know how to apply them. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I received many years of good advice from my father - how to live, how to play, how to be a gentleman. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I think the guys are more conscious of the fact that being in good physical condition under the conditions that they play will make them better players. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I am against making golf courses obsolete, going to the national Open and playing half the holes with a one-iron. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
Everyone I built a course for thinks they have the best golf course in the world and I’m very pleased and proud of that. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I am so pleased with my golf course. I am to say that it’s the best I’ve ever seen it - without equivocation. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I was playing cowboys and Indians in the trees, and then I started hitting the golf club with clubs father sawed off for me, and I began playing right here with my father. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
Golf never ceases to be a challenge, even when it really is just you and the ball out there and nobody else. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I played high school golf, I played amateur golf and I started getting officers. I was playing pretty good, won amateur tournaments as a junior, and the whole thing. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I’ve stated my position, and that is that we do not need a contraption to play the game of golf. I would hope that we’d play under one set of rules, and those rules would include a ban on the long putter hooked to the body in some way, shape or form. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
When you play by the rules, defy mental demons, overcome every challenge, and enjoy a walk in the country at the same time - that’s being alive. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I have a tip that will take five strokes off anyone’s golf game. It’s called an eraser. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I still enjoy what I do. I haven’t been playing much golf and none since I dislocated my shoulder, but I come to the office every day. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I played with [Dwight Eisenhower] on the day after I won the Masters at his request. We became everlasting friends. I was with him the day before he died at Walter Reed. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I would like to have won more golf tournaments. But I wouldn’t sacrifice my life. I’ve enjoyed it. I’d love to do it again the same way. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I quit flying myself last year and that was difficult for me because I enjoy it as much as playing golf. It was an adjustment sitting in the back of the plane, rather than at the controls, but I’ve grown accustomed to it and enjoy reading a book, doing some work or challenging my wife to a game of dominos. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
If you can concentrate on what you’re doing and have the desire to do the things you have to do to win, you’ll succeed. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I’ve always been a big thinker that the more international competition that we create through sports the better relationships we’ll have with countries. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I never felt I could be a complete professional without having won the British Open. It was something you had to do to complete your career. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I’m not much for sitting around and thinking about the past or talking about the past. What does that accomplish? If I can give young people something to think about, like the future, that’s a better use of my time. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
When I was in college, I thought about becoming an attorney. But I wasn’t smart enough; I hate being cooped up indoors; and I’m too nice a guy. (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
There isn’t a flaw in his golf or his makeup. He will win more majors than Arnold Palmer and me combined. Somebody is going to dust my records. It might as well be Tiger, because he’s such a great kid (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
Golf is a game of inches. The most important are the six inches between your ears (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
You can describe my round as having moments of ecstasy and stark raving terror. I looked like I knew what I was doing at times and at other times I looked like a twenty handicap player (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
I used to get tired of drinking iced tea, so I’d ask my wife if we had some lemonade, and I would just dump it right in there (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
Winning isn’t everything, but wanting it is (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery. You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match them to the challenge (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
Your worst putt will usually be as good as your best chip (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
Hit it hard, go find it and hit it hard again (Arnold Palmer Quotes)
A lot of people are afraid of winning. I was afraid I might not win (Arnold Palmer Quotes)