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Secrets. I can’t take then with me. If I do, when I go, when I arrive at my final destination, I’ll be . . . impure.  (Arrive Quotes) The new enlightened self-understanding reminds us that there is no final destination to our journey. The process itself is the destination. There is nowhere we need to arrive to.  (Arrive Quotes) We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.  (Arrive Quotes) In either mythology, ancient Irish or modern Jungian, we see the struggle to arrive at a workable arrangement with the forces of Nature, so that we neither try to triumph over her nor naively succumb to her. The first strategy leads to a sense of inflation and emotional sterility, the second to madness.  (Arrive Quotes) Waiting for me in Stockholm will be a personal assistant - Katrina from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - as well the secretary of the Swedish Academy. They’ll help us with our things and take us to our hotel. From the moment I arrive, I’ll always be together with the other two laureates.  (Arrive Quotes) I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.  (Arrive Quotes) In my head, at least, the business of spinning stories has no closing time. Twists in my characters’ lives, glimpses of their secrets, obstacles to their dreams... all arrive unbidden when I’m getting cash at the ATM, walking my son to camp, singing a hymn at a wedding.  (Arrive Quotes) In architecture, you arrive so late. I look at doctors, lawyers I know, and they’re all buying boats and bailing out at 62. My career is just getting started.  (Arrive Quotes) Books arrive in my head all at once, and then it becomes an 18-month process of getting it all down on paper.  (Arrive Quotes) I love to travel, don’t like the getting there ‘planes’ but love it when I arrive  (Arrive Quotes) The best counsel for us to give young people is that they can arrive back to Heavenly Father only as they are guided and corrected by the Spirit of God. So if we are wise, we will encourage, praise, and exemplify everything which invites the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  (Arrive Quotes) If you want to reach a goal, you must ‘see the reaching’ in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.  (Arrive Quotes) Illegal immigrants are people that have very little education. They are mostly people who are very poor. They arrive needing government assistance from the get-go, and the Democrat Party is right there to provide it, while telling them that the Republican Party wants to kick ‘em out.  (Arrive Quotes) Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life.  (Arrive Quotes) Great writers arrive among us like new diseases - threatening, powerful, impatient for patients to pick up their virus, irresistible.  (Arrive Quotes) Alcohol is probably one of the greatest things to arrive upon the earth - alongside of me  (Arrive Quotes) Every house guest brings you happiness. Some when they arrive, and some when they are leaving  (Arrive Quotes) We’re not handling things anymore before they arrive on our doorstep. I like to feel how thin porcelain can be, run my hand over a textile, see if I want to sit in a chair.  (Arrive Quotes) The really happy woman is the one who can enjoy the scenery when she has to take a detour. Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but rather a manner of traveling.  (Arrive Quotes) It’s hard to understand how you arrive at a design. It’s far too complicated to get any overall picture of.  (Arrive Quotes) If you had a bump on your nose, it made no difference so long as you had a marvelous body and good carriage. You held your head high, and you were a beauty You knew how to water-ski, and how to take a jet plane fast in the morning, arrive anywhere, and be anyone when you got off.  (Arrive Quotes) Tragedy, loss, and hurt often arrive unanticipated. How we react when we are surprised will tell our families whether what we have taught and testified lies deep in our hearts.  (Arrive Quotes) When it comes to orchestral music, whenever I see a concert with orchestra and strings, and I arrive and there are speakers up, my heart always sinks a little bit, and I think, ‘It’s going to be down to some sound guy’s ideas.’ Contact microphones on the violins. I’m a purist, I suppose.  (Arrive Quotes)
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