Art Is Quotes
Text Quotes
Art arises from loss. I wish this weren’t the case. I wish that every time I met a new woman and she rocked my world, I was inspired to write my ass off. But that is not what happens. What happens is we lie around in bed eating chocolate and screwing. Art is what happens when things don’t work out, when you’re licking your wounds. Art is, to a larger extent than people would like to think, a productive licking of the wounds (Art Is Quotes)
Some say art is our highest form of hope... Perhaps it’s our only hope (Art Is Quotes)
I haven’t the slightest idea what art is, but to be a painter is something of which you have to prove (Art Is Quotes)
Art is excitement which if we can’t create ourselves, we can at least, through love of it, make available to others (Art Is Quotes)
People mistakenly think that art is about nature, or about an artists feelings about nature. It is instead a path of enlightenment and pleasure, one of many paths, where nature and the artists feelings are merely raw material (Art Is Quotes)
A student’s mentality in learning martial arts is to overcome one’s problems (Art Is Quotes)
The very essence of martial arts is the thirst for knowledge and the truth about ourselves (Art Is Quotes)
The terminology of philosophical art is coercive: arguments are powerful and best when they are knockdown, arguments force you to a conclusion, if you believe the premisses you have to or must believe the conclusion, some arguments do not carry much punch, and so forth. A philosophical argument is an attempt to get someone to believe something, whether he wants to beleive it or not. A successful philosophical argument, a strong argument, forces someone to a belief (Art Is Quotes)
My opinion of art is that a man should have love for it, because my idea is that he paints from his heart and mind (Art Is Quotes)
Art is the act of triggering deep memories, of what it means to be fully human (Art Is Quotes)
There are some disabling myths about what art is, how to do it, what is good art, and what art is for, that have gagged generations, depriving them of significant and natural means of expression. This is a terrible loss and an unnecessary one (Art Is Quotes)
Dance is low on the totem pole of the arts, because you’re not left with a painting... a book that will stay there, a score you can read (Art Is Quotes)
Dance is the most intimate art, the most unbrainy art, because it is done wholly with the body, which is so limited in its ability to speak anything but the truth (Art Is Quotes)
The only thing worse than a silly politician analyzing art is a silly artist analyzing politics (Art Is Quotes)
Art is no longer snobbish or cowardly. It teaches peasants to use tractors, gives lyrics to young soldiers, designs textiles for factory women’s dresses, writes burlesque for factory theatres, does a hundred other useful tasks. Art is as usueful as bread (Art Is Quotes)
What makes for great art is the courage to speak and write and paint what you know and care about (Art Is Quotes)
Art isn’t just paint and music, art is breaking glass and the sounds we make without realizing (Art Is Quotes)
And despite the fact that the basis of this mathematical way of thinking in art is in reason, its dynamic content is able to launch us on astral flights which soar into unknown and still uncharted regions of the imagination (Art Is Quotes)
The true use of art is, first, to cultivate the artist’s own spiritual nature (Art Is Quotes)
I have not attempted to try to relive or recreate the past; but I have sought guidance from those timeless elements in the past which remain valid and vital to the future... The purpose of my art is to seek beauty and truth, and to explore and glorify the human being and the universe (Art Is Quotes)
Art is not so much talent as character… it’s what you are, the qualities of the person (Art Is Quotes)
There is no corner of life where art is not needed. There is no corner of art where life is not needed (Art Is Quotes)
Art is not about objects of high monetary exchange. It’s about reasserting our firsthand experience in present time (Art Is Quotes)
In every art beginners must start with models of those who have practiced the same art before them. And it is not only a matter of looking at the drawings, paintings, musical compositions, and poems that have been and are being created; it is a matter of being drawn into the individual work of art, of realizing that it has been made by a real human being, and trying to discover the secret of its creation (Art Is Quotes)
In art, as long as you have ideas and think, you are bound to deform nature. Art is deformation (Art Is Quotes)
I love art because it doesn’t have rules like baseball. The only rule is to be good. That’s the toughest thing to do (Art Is Quotes)
Is being burnt a requisite for the making of art? Personally, I don’t think it is. But art is poultice for a burn. It is a privilege to have, somewhere within you, a capacity for making something speak from your own seared experience (Art Is Quotes)
Art is lunging forward without certainty about where you are going or how to get there, being open to and dependent on what luck, the paint, the typo, the dissonance, give you. Without art, you’re stuck with yourself as you are and life as you think life is (Art Is Quotes)
Art is the most important thing to me in the entire world. It is my passion. Nothing else. End of story (Art Is Quotes)
I physically need to make art. Art isn’t just a hobby for me. It’s not something that I like. It’s an intense passion, an ecstatic love affair, with as much turmoil, frustration, exasperation and need as a forbidden liaison (Art Is Quotes)