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The human heart is so delicate and sensitive that it always needs some tangible encouragement to prevent it from faltering in its labour  (Art Is Quotes) When we are working at a difficult task and strive after a good thing, we are fighting a righteous battle, the direct reward of which is that we are kept from much evil. As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed. Indeed life is a have to defend and protect ourselves, and with a cheerful and brace spirit we must battle; we plan and calculate in order to make progress  (Art Is Quotes) The macrocosm is in its entirety in the body. The body is in its entirety in the heart. Therefore heart is the summarised form of all the macrocosm  (Art Is Quotes) In the rush of daily living it’s easy to forget all the remarkable people, real or fictional, who have been a part of your life. But if you just imagine they are near for a moment, you will realize that anyone who ever touched your heart is always with you, patiently waiting to emanate warmth and support whenever you remember to think of them  (Art Is Quotes) Development is where my heart is focused because eating is the only thing that we do that involves all the senses. We eat with our eyes and our ears and our noses  (Art Is Quotes) I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, to fear and to hope. The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death of all that is alive  (Art Is Quotes) The true teacher of love is the heart. The heart is very, very wise. It makes mistakes from time to time, but it has a wisdom all of its own  (Art Is Quotes) The heart is a place of great light and their are different gradations of light that pass through the heart  (Art Is Quotes) The ability to break a loved one’s heart is the essential contradiction in human relationships  (Art Is Quotes) I don’t try to be satirical. I just try to get what’s in my head on the page. And that part is hard for me to do. It takes a long, long time to make it poetic, somewhat essayistic  (Art Is Quotes) The strange thing about writing is that it’s so easy to write a novel. It is really easy. But it’s getting there to the point where it’s easy that’s hard. The hard part is to get there  (Art Is Quotes) It’s relatively easy to act nice and normal in front of a crowd, or in public. The tricky part is doing it in private  (Art Is Quotes) Be encouraged. Your heart is writing a poem on the world and it’s being turned into a thousand songs  (Art Is Quotes) If my heart is broken, I should be thankful that I was blessed to have loved but I cannot live that wisely. That’s why I cry  (Art Is Quotes) The challenging part is in the beginning; its a leap of faith. But I think the most important thing is to just do it. Start  (Art Is Quotes) If what you create seems to turn out much stranger than who you are as a person, it’s probably because your heart is talking  (Art Is Quotes) It may be from some moral obliquity in myself, or from some strange disease; but for me, and I should think too for every human being in whose breast a human heart is beating, to know that one single creature is in that dreadful place would make a hell of heaven itself. And they have hearts in heaven, for they love there  (Art Is Quotes) When a woman’s heart is flowing over for the first time with deep and passionate love, she is all love. Every faculty of her soul rushes together in the intensity of the one feeling; thought, reflection, conscience, duty, the past, the future, they are names to her light as the breath which speaks them; her soul is full  (Art Is Quotes) Happy domestic life is like a beautiful summer’s evening; the heart is filled with peace; and everything around derives a peculiar glory  (Art Is Quotes) When the heart is still disturbed by the relics of a passion it is proner to take up a new one than when wholly cured  (Art Is Quotes) My soul has grown over the years, and some of my views have changed. As long as I am alive, I will continue to try to understand more because the work of the heart is never done  (Art Is Quotes) Every heart is the lair of a ferocious animal. The greatest wrong that you can put upon a man is to provoke him to let out his beast  (Art Is Quotes) My work consists of two parts: of the one which is here, and of everything which I have not written. And precisely this second part is the important one  (Art Is Quotes) Just playing more, I’m more comfortable. A big part is the boys are giving me a lead a lot of nights. Playing more has just let me be more comfortable in different situations in the game  (Art Is Quotes) An artist may sustain a body of work as an ecosystem, in which every part is used to every advantage, not consuming any part without regenerating it  (Art Is Quotes) Look within. The heart is the foundation of virtue; and it is for eternity ready to do virtuous works  (Art Is Quotes) If your heart is bigger than the biggest guy on the team, then you’re the biggest guy on the team  (Art Is Quotes) Spiritual pride is the worst of all pride, if it is not the worst snare of the devil. The heart is peculiarly deceitful on just this one thing  (Art Is Quotes) The basic postulate from which I start is that the goal of the social sciences is the liberation of man  (Art Is Quotes) Man has much power of discourse which for the most part is vain and false; animals have but little, but it is useful and true, and a small truth is better than a great lie  (Art Is Quotes)
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