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Smart is knowing if you’re dumb. Knowing when to shut up and to listen to people that are smarter than you  (Art Is Quotes) Why is my needle stuck in childhood? I don’t know why. I guess it’s because that’s where my heart is  (Art Is Quotes) The heart is, truly, the source of love. The proof is that if you remove it from someone, they will almost certainly never love again  (Art Is Quotes) If you work hard enough at something, it begins to make itself part of you, even though you do not really like it and know that part isn’t real  (Art Is Quotes) Mozart is everyone’s tea, pleasing to highbrows, middlebrows and lowbrows alike, though they probably all get different kinds of pleasure from him  (Art Is Quotes) A scholar’s heart is a dark well in which are buried many aborted feelings that rise to the surface as arguments  (Art Is Quotes) The dog is guided by kindly instinct to the man or woman whose heart is open to his advances. The cat often leaves the friend who courts her, to honor, or to harass, the unfortunate mortal who shudders at her unwelcome caresses  (Art Is Quotes) ... truth could never be wholly contained in words. All of us know it: At the same moment the mouth is speaking one thing, the heart is saying another  (Art Is Quotes) Well, it is a humiliating reflection, that the straightest road to a man’s heart is through his palate  (Art Is Quotes) The trouble is that my heart is loath to be without love even for a single hour.... If you want to keep me forever, then show as much friendship as love, and more than anything else, love me and tell me the truth  (Art Is Quotes) A songwriter’s heart is pure when they have the desire to keep digging deeper into music. And invariably, when you dig deeper it always leads you into the past  (Art Is Quotes) There comes a time when ambition ceases to burn, or romance to stir, and the highest cry of the human heart is for peace  (Art Is Quotes) Love comes into your being like a tidal wave... sometimes it withdraws like a wave, till there isn’t such a thing as a pool left, and every bit of your heart is as dry as seaweed beyond the wave’s reach  (Art Is Quotes) We can never catch up with life... we shall always be eating the soft part of our melting ice and meanwhile the nice hard part is rapidly melting too  (Art Is Quotes) Every part is disposed to unite with the whole, that it may thereby escape from its own incompleteness  (Art Is Quotes) I take a few pictures a week, but the best part is waiting for my film to be developed. The suspense is exciting, and the reward is great  (Art Is Quotes) Honestly, acting is the most work when you’re unemployed. For me, the actual acting part is never hard. Its the politics and basically everything around the acting that is difficult  (Art Is Quotes) Success comes from doing the hard part. When the hard part is all you’ve got, you’re more likely to do it. And this is precisely why it’s difficult to focus. Because focusing means acknowledging that you just signed up for the hard part  (Art Is Quotes) Oh, how miserable it is to have no one to share your sorrows and joys, and, when your heart is heavy, to have no soul to whom you can pour out your woes  (Art Is Quotes) I’ve never been in love. I’ve dreamt of it day and night, but my heart is like a fine piano no one can play because the key is lost  (Art Is Quotes) The crime part is the engine that moves the narrative and allows me to write the other things I want to write about  (Art Is Quotes) My heart is a teacup with hairline cracks. I feel like I have to walk real carefully so it won’t get shaken and just all shatter and break  (Art Is Quotes) The process of grief has a beginning a middle and an end. The hard part is holding on in the middle. You can hold on. There’s transformation happening in these times bringing you to a new place. It’s a place you can only get to through the pain  (Art Is Quotes) Faith is rarely where your head is at. Nor is it where your heart is at. Faith is where your ass is at!  (Art Is Quotes) Anybody can make something up and have it sound believable. The hard part is remembering all the lies you’ve told, and all the people you’ve told them to, and then living the lies that have become your life  (Art Is Quotes) It’s easier to get on show business, the hard part is to maintain. Nobody stays famous forever  (Art Is Quotes) I’ve come off heroin twice, and the worst part is laying in bed kicking and not being able to keep still. The physical withdrawal doesn’t last that long, but then it’s just all psychological. I think it’s worse than cigarettes  (Art Is Quotes) If your heart is large enough to envelop your adversaries, you can see right through them and avoid their attacks. And once you envelop them, you will be able to guide them along the path indicated to you by heaven and earth  (Art Is Quotes) A tender heart is a wakeful, watchful heart. It watches against sin in the soul, sin in the family, sin in the calling, sin in spiritual duties and performances  (Art Is Quotes) The rewards of freedom are always sweet, but its demands are stern, for at its heart is the paradox that the greatest enemy of freedom is freedom  (Art Is Quotes)
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