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With more and more states legalizing marijuana, companies are lining up to create the first marijuana breathalyzer. Officials say the toughest part is getting stoners to stop trying to inhale off the breathalyzer  (Art Is Quotes) You see, my brethren, my heart is full; I could almost say it is too big to speak, and yet too big to be silent, without dropping a word to you  (Art Is Quotes) ... many a heart is caught in the rebound... Pride may be soothed by the ready devotion of another; vanity may be excited the more keenly by recent mortification  (Art Is Quotes) It is entirely the work of grace and a benefit conferred by it that our heart is changed from a stony one to one of flesh, that our will is made new, and that we, created anew in heart and mind, at length will what we ought to will  (Art Is Quotes) Love is not a possession but a growth. The heart is a lamp with just oil enough to burn for an hour, and if there be no oil to put in again its light will go out. God’s grace is the oil that fills the lamp of love  (Art Is Quotes) At the center of each human heart is goodness, layered over with hurt, confusion, and mistaken ideas. Our task is to gently peel off layer after layer until the unfettered heart can shed its love upon the world  (Art Is Quotes) Not every man with a heart is understanding, nor every man with an ear a listener, and nor every man with eyes able to see  (Art Is Quotes) I put my hand on my chest. I can feel my heart beating. My heart is working. I’m pleased. I’m still alive  (Art Is Quotes) I believe I am a better director than actor. I enjoy acting if the part is right. Directing comes very naturally to me. I enjoy it. I am very confident in my work  (Art Is Quotes) I want my movies to be commercial, fun thrill rides but I also want them to have substance to them. The fun part is knowing how to roll up your sleeves and get it done  (Art Is Quotes) God is more concerned about your heart than your performance. If your heart is right, your performance will eventually catch up  (Art Is Quotes) This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness  (Art Is Quotes) Though I know he loves me, tonight my heart is sad; his kiss was not so wonderful as all the dreams I had  (Art Is Quotes) The heart is a small thing, but desireth great matters. It is not sufficient for a kite’s dinner, yet the whole world is not sufficient for it  (Art Is Quotes) He who lives in our mind is near though he may actually be far away; but he who is not in our heart is far though he may really be nearby  (Art Is Quotes) I’ve already told you: the only way to a woman’s heart is along the path of torment. I know none other as sure  (Art Is Quotes) I will always want to do whatever it is that my heart is in, and whether I get paid for it or not means nothing. It doesn’t matter. I’ll do it if it means something to me and I want to be a part of it  (Art Is Quotes) I enjoy talking to young people, and talking to people about helping young people. That part is not a chore. It’s pretty fun, and something I like to do because I think it’s important  (Art Is Quotes) Once you’ve gotten the job, there’s nothing to it. If you’re an actor, you’re an actor. Doing it is not the hard part. The hard part is getting to do it  (Art Is Quotes) Do not give in too much to feelings. A overly sensitive heart is an unhappy possession on this shaky earth  (Art Is Quotes) What you really want for yourself is always trying to break through, just as a cooling breeze flows through an open window on a hot day. Your part is to open the windows of your mind  (Art Is Quotes) Art is on the side of the oppressed. Think before you shudder at the simplistic dictum and its heretical definition of the freedom of art. For if art is freedom of the spirit, how can it exist within the oppressors?  (Art Is Quotes) Much of modern art is devoted to lowering the threshold of what is terrible. By getting us used to what, formerly, we could not bear to see or hear, because it was too shocking, painful, or embarrassing, art changes morals  (Art Is Quotes) If your heart is quite set upon a crown, make and put on one of roses, for it will make the prettier appearance  (Art Is Quotes) Culture as art is the peak expression of man’s creativity, his capacity to break out of nature’s narrow bounds, and hence out of the degrading interpretation of man in modern natural and political science  (Art Is Quotes) Interpretation, based on the highly dubious theory that a work of art is composed of items of content, violates art. It makes art into an article for use, for arrangement into a mental scheme of categories  (Art Is Quotes) The human heart is like a ship on a stormy sea driven about by winds blowing from all four corners of heaven  (Art Is Quotes) Fame can be very dangerous, because you can start to enjoy that part of it. And that’s not the good part of what I do for a living. The good part is the making of films. The unpleasant part is the fame part, if you’re not careful  (Art Is Quotes) What breaks my heart is suffering of any kind. Too often, our world is divisive and cruel where it needs to be uniting and loving  (Art Is Quotes) If you are talented, you can really do anything. And if your heart is at the right place and you have the passion for it, you can go for it and do it  (Art Is Quotes)
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