Art Making Quotes

Text Quotes
Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses and start making changes (Art Making Quotes)
If you’re gonna wait for the universe to start making sense, you have a long wait ahead of you (Art Making Quotes)
You start making progress in life when you realize that you don’t always have to resume where you left off. (Art Making Quotes)
A young person has to start making decisions for themselves at a much earlier age than an overbearing parent allows one. (Art Making Quotes)
It’s only when we are able to see our own behavior that we are able to wake up and start making conscious choices. (Art Making Quotes)
I look at being an actress as being like a mummy: You’re bandaged up and preserved as soon as you start making other people money. (Art Making Quotes)
It’s fine to live in the now. But the best thing about now is that there’s another one tomorrow. I’m going to start making them count. (Art Making Quotes)
Stop making a relationship about what you get and start making it about what you give, for what you give is what you’ll get in return. (Art Making Quotes)
I’m thinking of slowing down on modeling and branching out to other things. I want to pursue some new and old dreams and start making them happen. (Art Making Quotes)
You’ve got so much confidence if you start making big putts because you know you just need to hit the greens, and you’ve got yourself a good opportunity for the birdies. (Art Making Quotes)
The minute you start making calculations about what people will think of you as a person based on your work as an actor, you’re on the road to becoming a bad one. (Art Making Quotes)
Collage has been one of the most relevant forms of art making. It’s resonant because it is made of the stuff that we see every day. It’s familiar. It reflects our reality. (Art Making Quotes)
I never know going in if I’ve even got a movie to make. Once you start making a film, you hope there’s going to be enough material! My job as a director is always to push for more. (Art Making Quotes)
If I’m practicing making up what the characters will do, it’s never good. In fact, when I catch myself doing that, I try to get rid of that section, and try and let them start making the decisions. (Art Making Quotes)
There comes a time in the spiritual journey when you start making choices from a very different place. And if a choice lines up so that it supports truth, health, happiness, wisdom and love, it’s the right choice. (Art Making Quotes)
I only know from my own personal experience, and I personally feel that there’s a cyclical nature to things, so you don’t want to start making generalizations about how bad things have become in comparison to the old days. (Art Making Quotes)
I don’t think couture will die. But it should have no pretension that it will conquer the world. It’s not something that will disappear because all you need is a thread and a needle to start making something couture. (Art Making Quotes)
Contemporary curators orbit in the place of distribution and consumption, and less and less in the space of artists. I think it has become a lazy profession in regard to its relationship to the artists and the vigorous state of art making. (Art Making Quotes)
My fear is that, as soon as I get married and have kids that I’ll kind of do what a lot of people do and suddenly start making, ‘Now I’m gonna make films for kids.’ I really hope I don’t do that. (Art Making Quotes)
The first thing I tell clients is get off the couch! Just start making some small lifestyle changes such as walking to work instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the lift. The small things you can change all add up. (Art Making Quotes)
Here’s the thing... when people start making music, they start borrowing styles from other people, because that’s what you do. You start by recreating hip-hop beats you’ve heard from other people, or you start mimicking other people, or you’re just listening to stuff. (Art Making Quotes)
Why do we make records? Because we want to say something. Why are you in art? Because you want to say something. The second you don’t have anything to say, you stop making art - you might start making product. And I’m interested in being an artist. (Art Making Quotes)
When you do a lot of interviews, you find yourself telling the same stories over and over. After you do it for a whole day, you say, ‘Christ, I’ve said this five times today.’ It gets fun when you get so bored you start making it all up. (Art Making Quotes)
I modeled a little bit in Georgia growing up. I did catalogs and different things, but then when I came to L.A., I became a professional model. It sounds kind of crazy, but in L.A. was when I was able to start making a living from modeling. (Art Making Quotes)
Once people start making comparisons to a player of the past, they want you to be that player. I try to go out there and create my own image, my own style, my own type of game. Right now I can’t even think of one guy I’ve been compared to. (Art Making Quotes)
Some people are just really goofy kind of guitar acts, and they go out and do these colleges and start making a fortune pretty early on. And other people - I know guys who are great comics, who’ve done the Letterman show many times, who still barely pay their bills. (Art Making Quotes)
I don’t think I’m making any great statements, and I certainly don’t think I’m making art. (Art Making Quotes)
There’s nothing about interdependence that would keep somebody from making art (Art Making Quotes)
Maturity comes when you stop making excuses and start making changes (Art Making Quotes)
All sins are forgiven once you start making a lot of money (Art Making Quotes)