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Artefacts Quotes

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I think that in an increasingly virtual world, lovingly produced artefacts are at a premium  (Artefacts Quotes) To preserve the integrity of the tradition, we have to distinguish between what is central to that integrity and what is peripheral. We have to discern between what elements are vital for the survival of dharma practice and what are alien cultural artefacts that might obstruct that survival  (Artefacts Quotes) The laws of the media, in tetrad form, bring logos and formal cause up to date to reveal analytically the structure of all human artefacts  (Artefacts Quotes) The fact that there is a unity in everything demonstrates that they are the works and artefacts of a single being. The universe is like a rosebud swathed in a thousand veils of unity. Or it is a single macroanthropos dressed in unities to the number of Divine Names and universal Divine works.  (Artefacts Quotes)