Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes

Text Quotes
Love has been taken away from the poets, and has been brought within the domain of true science. It may prove to be one of the great cosmic elementary forces. When the atom of hydrogen draws the atom of chlorine towards it to form the perfected molecule of hydrochloric acid, the force which it exerts may be intrinsically similar to that which draws me to you. Attraction and repulsion appear to be the primary forces. This is attraction (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
He had never seen a woman doctor before, and his whole conservative soul rose up in revolt at the idea. He could not recall any biblical injunction that the man should remain ever the doctor and the woman the nurse, and yet he felt as if a blasphemy had been committed (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
Just as an octopus may have his den in some ocean cave, and come floating out a silent image of horror to attack a swimmer, so I picture such a spirit lurking in the dark of the house which he curses by his presence, and ready to float out upon all whom he can injure (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
Strange indeed is human nature. Here were these men, to whom murder was familiar, who again and again had struck down the father of the family, some man against whom they had no personal feeling, without one thought of compunction or of compassion for his weeping wife or helpless children, and yet the tender or pathetic in music could move them to tears (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
Heaven, too, was very near to them in those days. God’s direct agency was to be seen in the thunder and the rainbow, the whirlwind and the lightning. To the believer, clouds of angels and confessors, and martyrs, armies of the sainted and the saved, were ever stooping over their struggling brethren upon earth, raising, encouraging, and supporting them (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
You know how easily and suddenly these things happen, beginning in playful teasing and ending in something a little warmer than friendship. You squeeze the slender arm which is passed through yours, you venture to take the little gloved hand, you say good night at absurd length in the shadow of the door. It is innocent and very interesting, love trying his wings in a first little flutter (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
Yet birth, and lust, and illness, and death are changeless things, and when one of these harsh facts springs out upon a man at some sudden turn of the path of life, it dashes off for the moment his mask of civilization and gives a glimpse of the stranger and stronger face below (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
I can tell you that it is no game for children, and I will confess that, in spite of my nine campaigns, I felt myself turn pale when the first ball flashed past me (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
Your conversation is most entertaining. When you go out close the door, for there is a decided draught (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
I should prefer that you do not mention my name at all in connection with the case, as I choose to be only associated with those crimes which present some difficulty in their solution (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
Then we rushed on into the captain’s cabin... and there he lay... While the chaplain stood, with a smoking pistol in his hand (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
The temptation to form premature theories upon insufficient data is the bane of our profession (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
I am a brain, watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix. Therefore, it is the brain I must consider (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
It isn’t true that the laws of nature have been capriciously disturbed; that snakes have talked; that women have been turned into salt; that rods have brought water out of rocks (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
You will, I am sure, agree with me that... if page 534 only finds us in the second chapter, the length of the first one must have been really intolerable (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
It was an ideal spring day, a light blue sky, flecked with little fleecy white clouds drifting across from west to east. The sun was shining very brightly, and yet there was an exhilarating nip in the air, which set an edge to a man’s energy (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
The unexpected has happened so continually in my life that it has ceased to deserve the name (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
It has always seemed to me that so long as you produce your dramatic effect, accuracy of detail matters little. I have never striven for it and I have made some bad mistakes in consequence. What matter if I hold my readers? (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
There are times, young fellah, when every one of us must make a stand for human right and justice, or you never feel clean again (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
A dog reflects the family life. Whoever saw a frisky dog in a gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one? Snarling people have snarling dogs, dangerous people have dangerous ones (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
The ways of fate are indeed hard to understand. If there is not some compensation hereafter, then the world is a cruel jest (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but that you are a conductor of light. Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)
A study in scarlet, eh? Why shouldn’t we use a little art jargon? There’s the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it (Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes)