Arthur Helps Quotes

Text Quotes
A mixture of admiration and pity is one of the surest recipes for affection (Arthur Helps Quotes)
A man’s action is only a picture book of his creed (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Every happiness is a hostage to fortune (Arthur Helps Quotes)
We all admire the wisdom of people who come to us for advice (Arthur Helps Quotes)
There are no better cosmetics than a severe temperance and purity, modesty and humility, a gracious temper and calmness of spirit; and there is no true beauty without the signatures of these graces in the very countenance (Arthur Helps Quotes)
It is better in some respects to be admired by those with whom you live than to be loved by them; and this not on account of any gratification of vanity, but because admiration is so much more tolerant than love (Arthur Helps Quotes)
The man of the house can destroy the pleasure of the household, but he cannot make it. That rests with the woman, and it is her greatest privilege (Arthur Helps Quotes)
More than half the difficulties of the world would be allayed or removed by the exhibition of good temper (Arthur Helps Quotes)
The sense of danger is never, perhaps, so fully apprehended as when the danger has been overcome (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Everywhere I have sought rest and not found it, except sitting in a corner by myself with a little book (Arthur Helps Quotes)
The greatest luxury of riches is that they enable you to escape so much good advice. The rich are always advising the poor; but the poor seldom venture to return the compliment (Arthur Helps Quotes)
To hear always, to think always, to learn always, it is thus that we live truly. He who aspires to nothing, who learns nothing, is not worthy of living (Arthur Helps Quotes)
It has been said with some meaning that if men would but rest in silence, they might always hear the music of the spheres (Arthur Helps Quotes)
The measure of civilization in a people is to be found in its just appreciation of the wrongfulness of war (Arthur Helps Quotes)
There is hardly a more common error than that of taking the man who has but one talent for a genius (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Extremely foolish advice is likely to be uttered by those who are looking at the laboring vessel from the land (Arthur Helps Quotes)
It is in length of patience, endurance and forbearance that so much of what is good in mankind and womankind is shown (Arthur Helps Quotes)
The man at the head of the house can mar the pleasure of the household, but he cannot make it; that must rest with the woman, and it is her great privilege (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Man ceased to be an ape, vanquished the ape, on the day the first book was written (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will. Refuse to be average or to surrender to the chill of your spiritual environment (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense (Arthur Helps Quotes)
There is one statesman of the present day, of whom I always say that he would have escaped making the blunders that he has made if he had only ridden more in buses (Arthur Helps Quotes)
We are pleased with one who instantly assents to our opinions, but we love a proselyte (Arthur Helps Quotes)
The greatest luxury of riches is that they enable you to escape so much good advice (Arthur Helps Quotes)
Selfishness, when it is punished by the world, is mostly punished because it is connected with egotism (Arthur Helps Quotes)
I do not know of any sure way of making others happy as being so one’s self (Arthur Helps Quotes)
When we consider the incidents of former days, and perceive, while reviewing the long line of causes, how the most important events of our lives originated in the most trifling circumstances; how the beginning of our greatest happiness or greatest misery is to be attributed to a delay, to an accident, to a mistake; we learn a lesson of profound humility (Arthur Helps Quotes)
There is an honesty which is but decided selfishness in disguise. The person who will not refrain from expressing his or her sentiments and manifesting his or her feelings, however unfit the time, however inappropriate the place, however painful this expression may be, lays claim, forsooth, to our approbation as an honest person, and sneers at those of finer sensibilities as hypocrites (Arthur Helps Quotes)
An official man is always an official man, and he has a wild belief in the value of reports (Arthur Helps Quotes)