Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes

Text Quotes
The greatest achievements of the human mind are generally received with distrust (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
The man never feels the want of what it never occurs to him to ask for (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
The more unintelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Wicked thoughts and worthless efforts gradually set their mark on the face, especially the eyes (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Men need some kind of external activity, because they are inactive within (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Our first ideas of life are generally taken from fiction rather than fact (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
There is a wide difference between the original thinker and the merely learned man (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
This is the case with many learned persons; they have read themselves stupid (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
The shortness of life, so often lamented, may be the best thing about it (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Men are the devils of the earth, and the animals are its tormented souls (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Always to see the general in the particular is the very foundation of genius (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Marrying means doing whatever possible to become repulsed of each other (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness, revelry, high life (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
The tallest oak tree once was an acorn that any pig could have swallowed (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Every child is in a way a genius; and every genius is in a way a child (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Materialism is the philosophy of the subject who forgets to take account of himself (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Genuine contempt, on the other hand, is the unsullied conviction of the worthlessness of another (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary on it (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
With people of only moderate ability modesty is mere honesty; but with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
There is no absurdity so palpable but that it may be firmly planted in the human head if you only begin to inculcate it before the age of five, by constantly repeating it with an air of great solemnity (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice. That suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends, namely, when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Because people have no thoughts to deal in, they deal cards, and try and win one another's money. Idiots! (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)
Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents (Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes)