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Artifice Quotes

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Well, all rock and roll is based in artifice  (Artifice Quotes) I adore artifice. I always have  (Artifice Quotes) We may employ artifice to deceive a rival, anything against our enemies  (Artifice Quotes) Wisdom consists partly in not pretending anymore, in discarding artifice  (Artifice Quotes) Art, whose honesty must work through artifice, cannot avoid cheating truth  (Artifice Quotes) I always try to just be honest... As opposed to artifice or manipulation  (Artifice Quotes) We call for the three great stimulants of the exhausted ones, artifice, brutality, and innocence  (Artifice Quotes) There is no artifice as good and desirable as simplicity  (Artifice Quotes) One wants to see the artifice of the thing as well as the subject  (Artifice Quotes) The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence  (Artifice Quotes) I’ve never understood people who play up the artifice of music  (Artifice Quotes) Art lies by it's own artifice  (Artifice Quotes) Modesty is the artifice of actors, similar to passion in call girls  (Artifice Quotes) I think that artifice is the new reality. It’s more about just being honest and sincere to the core of what you do. Whether I’m wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I’m always the same person inside  (Artifice Quotes) Nothing has been left undone by the enemies of freedom. Every art and artifice, every cruelty and outrage has been practiced and perpetrated to destroy the rights of man. In this great struggle, every crime has been rewarded and every virtue has been punished.  (Artifice Quotes) True beauty is to be found in natural forms. The more we magnify, and the closer we examine, the works of Artifice, the grosser and stupider they seem. But if we magnify the natural world it only becomes more intricate and excellent.  (Artifice Quotes) The girl in the mirror caught my eye briefly... It is an uncanny feeling, that rare occasion when one catches a glimpse of oneself in repose. An unguarded moment, stripped of artifice, when one forgets to fool even oneself  (Artifice Quotes) I felt from time to time that shooting live music is the most purely cinematic thing you can do. Ideally, the cinema is becoming one with the music. There is little artifice involved. There’s no acting. I love it.  (Artifice Quotes) It makes you a different person, to not have a past. It eats away at who you are, until what’s left is all construct, all artifice  (Artifice Quotes) And since gin to artifice bears the same relation as tears to mascara, her attractions at once dissembled  (Artifice Quotes) Ponder and deliberate before you make your move. He will conquer who has learned the artifice of deviation. Such is the art of maneuvering  (Artifice Quotes) I love glamour and artificial beauty. I love the idea of artifice and dressing up and makeup and hair.  (Artifice Quotes) I want to be seen here in my simple, natural, ordinary fashion, without straining or artifice; for it is myself that I portray... I am myself the matter of my book  (Artifice Quotes) Films are artifice. We’re telling stories on film. At the same time, when it works, there is a real tough immediacy and spontaneity to it, and a punch.  (Artifice Quotes) I don’t have stylistic loyalty. That’s why people perceive me changing all the time. But there is a real continuity in my subject matter. As an artist of artifice, I do believe I have more integrity than any one of my contemporaries  (Artifice Quotes) I think when you look at architectural photography it doesn’t help to have piles of old clothes lying on the floor. Architectural photography sets up an artifice  (Artifice Quotes) I want to be seen here in my simple, natural, and ordinary fashion, without straining or artifice; for it is myself that I portray  (Artifice Quotes) Dissimulation, even the most innocent in its nature, is ever productive of embarrassment; whether the design is evil or not artifice is always dangerous and almost inevitably disgraceful  (Artifice Quotes) That sense of a life in natural objects, which in most poetry is but a rhetorical artifice, was, then, in Wordsworth the assertion of what was for him almost literal fact  (Artifice Quotes) The intuitive connection children feel with animals can be a tremendous source of joy. The unconditional love received from pets, and the lack of artifice in the relationship, contrast sharply with the much trickier dealings with members of their own species  (Artifice Quotes)
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