Artificial Intelligence Quotes

Text Quotes
Artificial intelligence is what we don’t know how to do yet (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Intelligence is the faculty of making artificial objects, especially tools to make tools (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
We know have the power of God in many ways: the atomic bomb, the ability to create life in a test tube, cloning, artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Nobody phrases it this way, but I think that artificial intelligence is almost a humanities discipline. It’s really an attempt to understand human intelligence and human cognition. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Forget artificial intelligence - in the brave new world of big data, it’s artificial idiocy we should be looking out for. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
I worked with Stanley Kubrick for almost a year back in 1990, trying to develop the screen story for his project ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ which is about a robot boy who wishes to become a real boy, a future scientific fairy tale inspired in the myth of Pinocchio. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence - in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement - wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
I moved to MIT from Stanford in 1984 to teach, and became the founding director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
I’m working on artificial intelligence. Actually, natural language understanding, which is to get computers to understand the meaning of documents. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
There are lots of examples of routine, middle-skilled jobs that involve relatively structured tasks, and those are the jobs that are being eliminated the fastest. Those kinds of jobs are easier for our friends in the artificial intelligence community to design robots to handle them. They could be software robots; they could be physical robots (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Pattern recognition and association make up the core of our thought. These activities involve millions of operations carried out in parallel, outside the field of our consciousness. If AI appeared to hit a brick wall after a few quick victories, it did so owing to its inability to emulate these processes (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Futurists are already predicting the day mankind builds its replacement, Artificial Intelligence. Daniel Wilson shows what might happen when that computer realizes its creators are no longer needed. Lean prose, great characters, and almost unbearable tension ensure that Robopocalypse is going to be a blockbuster. Once started I defy anyone to put it down (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
There ought to be something about computers and artificial intelligence [in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations]. Surely somebody somewhere said something memorable (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Daniel Dennett is our best current philosopher. He is the next Bertrand Russell. Unlike traditional philosophers, Dan is a student of neuroscience, linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science, and psychology. He’s redefining and reforming the role of the philosopher (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the Web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We’re nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Google will fulfill its mission only when its search engine is AI-complete. You guys know what that means? That’s artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
The purest case of an intelligence explosion would be an Artificial Intelligence rewriting its own source code. The key idea is that if you can improve intelligence even a little, the process accelerates. It’s a tipping point. Like trying to balance a pen on one end - as soon as it tilts even a little, it quickly falls the rest of the way (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Everything that civilisation has to offer is a product of human intelligence; we cannot predict what we might achieve when this intelligence is magnified by the tools that AI may provide, but the eradication of war, disease, and poverty would be high on anyone’s list. Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
If the government regulates against use of drones or stem cells or artificial intelligence, all that means is that the work and the research leave the borders of that country and go someplace else. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
I think that the artificial-intelligence people are making a lot of noise recently, claiming that artificial intelligence is making huge progress and we’re going to be outstripped by the machines. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
From one perspective, we’re in the early stage in artificial intelligence, but exponentials start out slowly, and then they take off. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Synths are a very low level of artificial intelligence. Whereas you have a Stradivarius that will live for a thousand years. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Well, having no intelligence, I’m looking forward to gaining some, whether artificial, superficial or super-duper. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
I love stories about artificial intelligence, and post-humanity, so I’m thinking along those lines. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
The entire effort of artificial intelligence is essentially a fight against computers’ rigidity. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Some people get rich studying artificial intelligence. I make money studying natural stupidity. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)
Although computer-generated artificial intelligence eludes us, artificial stupidity has been perfected. (Artificial Intelligence Quotes)