As clear and as manifest as the nose in a man's face

As clear and as manifest as the nose in a man's face
Robert Burton was an English scholar and writer best known for his work "The Anatomy of Melancholy," a comprehensive study of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of melancholy. In this work, Burton often used vivid and colorful language to describe various aspects of human nature and behavior. One of his most famous phrases is "as clear and as manifest as the nose in a man's face," which he used to emphasize the obviousness of certain truths or facts.The phrase "as clear and as manifest as the nose in a man's face" is a powerful metaphor that conveys the idea of something being so obvious and undeniable that it is impossible to ignore. Just as the nose is a prominent and easily visible feature on a person's face, so too are certain truths or facts in life. These truths are so self-evident that they cannot be hidden or obscured, much like the nose on a man's face.
Burton used this phrase to highlight the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the obvious truths in life. He believed that by acknowledging these truths, individuals could gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. By comparing these truths to the nose on a man's face, Burton emphasized their undeniable presence and significance.
Furthermore, the phrase "as clear and as manifest as the nose in a man's face" also speaks to the idea of self-awareness and introspection. Just as a person cannot ignore or hide their nose, so too should individuals be aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. By recognizing and accepting these aspects of themselves, individuals can better navigate the complexities of life and achieve personal growth and fulfillment.
Overall, Robert Burton's use of the phrase "as clear and as manifest as the nose in a man's face" serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of recognizing and embracing the obvious truths in life. By doing so, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, leading to personal growth and self-awareness.