As much as I can say it's "his loss", deep down, I know it's mostly mine

As much as I can say it's "his loss", deep down, I know it's mostly mine
When we experience loss, whether it be the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, or the passing of a loved one, it is natural to try to find ways to cope with the pain and make sense of the situation. One common coping mechanism is to tell ourselves that it is "their loss" and that we are better off without them. While this may provide some temporary relief from the hurt and rejection we are feeling, deep down, we know that the loss is not just theirs, but ours as well.In the context of a breakup or the end of a relationship, it is easy to blame the other person for not seeing our worth or for not appreciating us enough. We may tell ourselves that they are the ones missing out on a great partner, and that we are better off without someone who does not value us. However, as much as we try to convince ourselves that it is "their loss", we cannot deny the fact that we are also losing something valuable in the process.
When a relationship ends, we lose not only the person we were with, but also the future we had envisioned with them. We lose the comfort and security of having someone by our side, the shared memories and experiences, and the emotional support and companionship that comes with being in a relationship. We may also lose a part of ourselves in the process, as we have to come to terms with the fact that things did not work out as we had hoped and that we are now faced with the pain of letting go and moving on.