As natural and easy as it has been to be proud, it must become natural for us to be humble

As natural and easy as it has been to be proud, it must become natural for us to be humble
Andrew Murray was a prominent South African writer, teacher, and pastor who emphasized the importance of humility in the Christian faith. He believed that humility was a key virtue that all Christians should strive to cultivate in their lives. Murray often spoke about the dangers of pride and the importance of being humble before God.Murray believed that pride was a sin that could easily creep into the hearts of even the most devout Christians. He warned that pride could lead to a sense of self-righteousness and a lack of dependence on God. Murray believed that true humility was the antidote to pride and that it was essential for spiritual growth.
Murray often spoke about the need for Christians to be humble before God. He believed that humility was a sign of true faith and that it was essential for a close relationship with God. Murray believed that humility was not just a virtue to be practiced, but a way of life that should be natural and easy for all Christians.
Murray believed that humility was a key aspect of following Christ. He believed that Jesus was the ultimate example of humility and that Christians should strive to emulate his example. Murray believed that humility was a sign of true discipleship and that it was essential for spiritual growth.
Murray believed that humility was a key aspect of prayer. He believed that humility was essential for a close relationship with God and that it was necessary for effective prayer. Murray believed that humility was a sign of true faith and that it was essential for a deep and meaningful prayer life.