As to matters of dress, I would recommend one never to be first in the fashion nor the last out of it

As to matters of dress, I would recommend one never to be first in the fashion nor the last out of it
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, was a man of great influence and leadership in the 18th century. Known for his strong convictions and dedication to his faith, Wesley was also a man of practical wisdom and common sense. One of his famous quotes, “As to matters of dress, I would recommend one never to be first in the fashion nor the last out of it,” reflects his belief in moderation and balance in all aspects of life.Wesley’s advice on matters of dress may seem simple, but it carries a deeper meaning that is relevant even in today’s society. In a world where trends and fashions change rapidly, Wesley’s words remind us to be mindful of our choices and not to be swayed by every passing trend. By advocating for a middle ground between being overly concerned with fashion and completely disregarding it, Wesley encourages us to find a balance that reflects our individuality and values.
Wesley’s emphasis on moderation in dress is consistent with his broader teachings on self-discipline and self-control. He believed that excessive focus on outward appearances could distract us from more important matters, such as cultivating inner virtues and serving others. By avoiding extremes in fashion, Wesley suggests that we can better focus on developing our character and living a life of purpose and meaning.
Furthermore, Wesley’s advice on dress can be seen as a reflection of his commitment to simplicity and humility. As a man of the cloth, Wesley lived a modest and frugal lifestyle, eschewing luxury and extravagance. His words on dress serve as a reminder to prioritize substance over style and to avoid being consumed by materialism.