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Ashamed Quotes

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When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honor are things to be ashamed of  (Ashamed Quotes) The thought that I had been captured so soon, without having done anything for the revolution, made me feel ashamed. I thought: at least now, I must carry out my duty well under torture  (Ashamed Quotes) I’ve always regarded eroticism as a beautiful word. I’m not ashamed to be linked to it. I would be ashamed to be linked to flamboyant sexuality; that’s a part of life, but it isn’t all of it  (Ashamed Quotes) It is the one event in my life of which I am most ashamed and I have long feared would be made public  (Ashamed Quotes) Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right; decide on what you think is right and stick to it  (Ashamed Quotes) The way to avoid the imputation of impudence is not to be ashamed of what we do, but never to do what we ought to be ashamed of  (Ashamed Quotes) We are ashamed of our fear; for we know that a righteous man would not suspect danger nor incur any. Wherever a man feels fear, there is an avenger  (Ashamed Quotes) Actions rare and sudden do commonly proceed from fierce necessity, of else from some oblique design, which is ashamed to show itself in the public road  (Ashamed Quotes) I am not ashamed that these reproaches can be cast upon us, and that they can not be repelled  (Ashamed Quotes) The politics of courts are so mean that private people would be ashamed to act in the same way; all is trick and finesse, to which the common cause is sacrificed  (Ashamed Quotes) A man is never astonished or ashamed that he don’t know what another does, but he is surprised at the gross ignorance of the other in not knowing what he does  (Ashamed Quotes) Every breach of veracity indicates some latent vice or some criminal intention, which the individual is ashamed to avow  (Ashamed Quotes) Never be ashamed! There’s some who’ll hold it against you, but they’re not worth bothering with  (Ashamed Quotes) The woman who can’t influence her husband to vote the way she wants ought to be ashamed of herself  (Ashamed Quotes) I will only make pictures that I won’t be ashamed to have my children see  (Ashamed Quotes) I used to wear heels because I wanted to show people I wasn’t ashamed of being tall  (Ashamed Quotes) The blues was like that problem child that you may have had in the family. You was a little bit ashamed to let anybody see him, but you loved him. You just didn’t know how other people would take it  (Ashamed Quotes) Yes, free markets tend to produce unequal incomes. We should not be ashamed of that. On the contrary, our system is the envy of the world and should be a source of pride  (Ashamed Quotes) What a man is ashamed of is always at bottom himself; and he is ashamed of himself at bottom always for being afraid  (Ashamed Quotes) I’m very heterosexual, so dating women is something I’m not ashamed of. But my love life is not as exciting as it is reported to be  (Ashamed Quotes) We’re a gumbo of American music, and aren’t ashamed to play pop or soul or rock because we all grew up on radio  (Ashamed Quotes) I think I’m a pretty open book. We’re all a work in progress, and I’m not ashamed to say that I don’t have it all together - I don’t really think anyone does  (Ashamed Quotes) I have made mistakes, but I feel that the people who have done things to me - they should be ashamed  (Ashamed Quotes) Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards  (Ashamed Quotes) It is a callous age; we have seen so many marvels that we are ashamed to marvel more; the seven wonders of the world have become seven thousand wonders  (Ashamed Quotes) You may be sure that when a man begins to call himself a realist he is preparing to do something that he is secretly ashamed of doing  (Ashamed Quotes) Dissimulation was his masterpiece; in which he so much excelled that men were not ashamed of being deceived but twice by him  (Ashamed Quotes) But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer  (Ashamed Quotes) I closed my eyes and abandoned myself to my grief. It felt better, somehow, to be helpless. I didn’t feel ashamed  (Ashamed Quotes) Sometimes, if she simply remained quiet, and let the inadequacy of his excuses reverberate on the air, he became ashamed and backtracked  (Ashamed Quotes)
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