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Ashamed Quotes

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There is nothing worse than being ashamed of parsimony or poverty  (Ashamed Quotes) It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home  (Ashamed Quotes) The worst kind of shame is being ashamed of frugality or poverty  (Ashamed Quotes) I am ashamed of my master and not of my servitude  (Ashamed Quotes) Injuries are nothing to be ashamed about  (Ashamed Quotes) I was so ashamed of who I was  (Ashamed Quotes) What is the seal of liberation? Not to be ashamed in front of oneself  (Ashamed Quotes) My pain’s not ashamed to repeat itself  (Ashamed Quotes) They’ve spent alot of money on me. I’m ashamed  (Ashamed Quotes) It’s a simple truth that a secret is something you’re ashamed of  (Ashamed Quotes) Part of life is learning what to be ashamed of and what to be proud of  (Ashamed Quotes) Never write a line you’d be ashamed to read at your own funeral  (Ashamed Quotes) They should be ashamed of themselves, all these sober people!  (Ashamed Quotes) To be humbly ashamed is to be plunged in the cleansing bath of truth  (Ashamed Quotes) It is most difficult to speak when we are ashamed of being silent  (Ashamed Quotes) Never be ashamed of your problems, your body, yourself. You are worth life  (Ashamed Quotes) I am not myself in any degree ashamed of having changed my opinions  (Ashamed Quotes) Studious to please, yet not ashamed to fail  (Ashamed Quotes) Never be ashamed of your subject, and of your passion for your subject  (Ashamed Quotes) A gentleman is ashamed to let his words outrun his deeds  (Ashamed Quotes) I shall never be ashamed to quote a bad author if what he says is good  (Ashamed Quotes) I am not ashamed to say that I am the son of a washerwoman  (Ashamed Quotes) I am ashamed the law is such an ass  (Ashamed Quotes) It’s not about me. It’s about not having to be ashamed  (Ashamed Quotes) I’m ashamed of what I did  (Ashamed Quotes) I felt profoundly ashamed, I was very much upset  (Ashamed Quotes) Let no man be ashamed to speak what he is not ashamed to think  (Ashamed Quotes) I did as well as I knew how and have nothing to be ashamed of  (Ashamed Quotes) A nice man would feel ashamed even before a dog  (Ashamed Quotes) And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed  (Ashamed Quotes)
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