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Ashamed Quotes

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The first draft often is really fast, and I’d be terribly ashamed if anybody ever saw it  (Ashamed Quotes) My first job, which I had to take when not more than fifteen, was assistant to a fruit peddler. It seemed all right to me until a little girl told me snootily, ‘We never deal with peddler!’ Thereupon I resigned, ashamed of what I was doing.  (Ashamed Quotes) Making mistakes is part of life. The only things I would feel ashamed of would be if I had said things I hadn’t believed in order to get on. Some politicians do do that.  (Ashamed Quotes) When you get released from the NFL it’s not a pleasant experience and I may have sulked for about two or three years. Then I was like, ‘You know what? It’s time to get back on the wagon.’ I have nothing to be ashamed of.  (Ashamed Quotes) I love history. It was the only thing I did well at in school. I’m not ashamed to admit that I was not a good student but I was great at history.  (Ashamed Quotes) Why do some people act as if making money offended their delicate minds? I am out for a legitimate profit, and not ashamed of it; the fact that people will pay money for my goods and services shows that my work is useful.  (Ashamed Quotes) I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.  (Ashamed Quotes) England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality  (Ashamed Quotes) I had always known that I was Jewish - we celebrated the holidays, we went to a synagogue - but I had never known that I was supposed to feel ashamed about it.  (Ashamed Quotes) I think I’m a pretty open book. We’re all a work in progress, and I’m not ashamed to say that I don’t have it all together - I don’t really think anyone does.  (Ashamed Quotes) You’ll never have any trouble with Mr. T, I’m just a big, calm teddy bear kind of guy. Mr. T ain’t ashamed to cry. When I go out and I meet people who are suffering and they come and talk to me, Mr. T cries, Mr. T who could break a man’s jaw with his fist.  (Ashamed Quotes) It [military action on Iraq] makes me feel ashamed to come from the United States. It is humiliating.  (Ashamed Quotes) The privileged Victorians who did most to improve the lives of the poor were not ashamed of their pious intent: they were superiors seeking to help inferiors.  (Ashamed Quotes)
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