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Asia Quotes

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Americans easily forget that the air they breathe is the same as those in Europe or Africa or Asia; it’s the same air as Jesus breathed. I would like them to remember that connection.  (Asia Quotes) I’m for fighting a war on terrorism, not a war in Southwest Asia that Alexander the Great couldn’t win, the British Empire couldn’t win, the Soviet Union couldn’t win. That’s stupid. It’s a waste of resources; a waste of America’s best and brightest.  (Asia Quotes) I don’t have doctrinaire views about how we should relate to Asia. But novelists reflect the world they live in, and that world propels you, to some extent. I’m a creature of the British Empire, and of the period of transition from the Empire.  (Asia Quotes) What the Bush administration is primarily interested in is regime change in the United States, not regime change in Iraq or South East Asia or the Balkans. A foreign war is a wonderful lollipop to stuff in the mouth of a possibly quarrelsome press  (Asia Quotes) The largest source of greenhouse gases in the coming decades will not be the US, Western Europe and Japan, but the developing economies of East Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The coming eruption of carbon emissions from the poor world will dwarf any reductions in the North.  (Asia Quotes) The United States is the most powerful nation on Earth and it just can’t walk away from the Middle East and central Asia and the Horn of Africa.  (Asia Quotes) As the CIA tried to find itself, the threat of international terrorism emanating from the Middle East, Africa, North Africa and Central and Southeast Asia grew with each strike: the first World Trade Center attack in 1993, the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the 2000 attack on the U.S.S. Cole.  (Asia Quotes) The original home of the Aryan race appears to have been somewhere among the mountains and lofty table-lands of Central Asia. The word ‘Arya,’ meaning the high or the excellent, indicates their superiority over the neighboring races long before the beginning of history.  (Asia Quotes) Celebrating historic triumphs is a favorite pastime for many Turks. Tales of how Turkic peoples emerged from Central Asia, crossed the steppes to Anatolia, established the Ottoman Empire and ruled for centuries over large swaths of Europe and Asia are the subject of countless legends, poems and books.  (Asia Quotes) Our group has been in Asia since 1981 in mining, oil and gas. Now we want to mine not silver and gold, but great stories and people, and change the world of cinema, and we want to do that by walking in the footsteps of Wu Tianming.  (Asia Quotes) Even if he was happier in Asia than he’d been in Latin America, the wanderlust still worked on my father’s insides like a disease. One of the most recurrent memories of my childhood is of him sitting in his armchair in the evenings, poring over atlases the way other fathers read newspapers or books.  (Asia Quotes) If you cut down the forest, you know what happens: The whole of Asia turns into a desert. Without water, you’re talking civil unrest, war, mud slides - the whole bloody lot.  (Asia Quotes) Both my mother and my father grew up in Asia, in a time of political instability. They’d earned college degrees before setting foot in the States but had to work menial jobs early on in order to make ends meet.  (Asia Quotes) I like Thailand, and I love coming to Asia with the whole vibe, food, temperature, and climate  (Asia Quotes) I have a variety of readers from across the diasporic community, not just from South Asia. I like to write large stories that include all of us - about common and cohesive experiences which bring together many immigrants, their culture shocks, transformations, concepts of home and self in a new land.  (Asia Quotes) Tomorrow there will be no division to Europe and Asia. These are old concepts that would remain only on maps. Everything will be united. Companies will be united. It is a process of structures growing due to the technological progress.  (Asia Quotes) Competitiveness demands flexibility, choice and openness - or Europe will fetch up in a no-man’s land between the rising economies of Asia and market-driven North America.  (Asia Quotes) Secondly I would like to make continuous efforts of stabilising cross Strait relations, eventually reaching peace across the Taiwan strait and stability and security in the Asia Pacific region.  (Asia Quotes) I took a 51 day trip through Asia; 12 countries and 26 cities. I traveled for 51 days. So, it was everywhere from Sri Lanka and that all the way to Japan, where we ended it.  (Asia Quotes) Especially in the West, people want to understand Asia on a deeper level because it’s become the engine of the world economy, like it or not.  (Asia Quotes) I believe that without looking at each other as rivals or as competitors, in a democratic India, operating in the framework of an open economy, an open society has, I think, some significance for developing countries, not only in Asia but outside Asia.  (Asia Quotes) It is not an accident that developing countries - virtually the whole of East Asia, for example - view the role of the state in a far more interventionist way than does the Anglo-Saxon world. Laissez-faire and free markets are the favoured means of the powerful and privileged.  (Asia Quotes) Basketball Without Borders is a leadership camp that takes basketball to different places around the world, to Africa, Europe, America and Asia. It’s a camp that brings players from different parts of the continent to one city that’s been assigned as the host city. We’ve been going to a different city every year.  (Asia Quotes) In Asia, a lot of successful economies that had been living on their own saving, decided to open up their financial markets to international capital in the early 1990s. So here were countries doing quite well, but they decided they’d borrow a bit more and do even better.  (Asia Quotes) Finding specialty food items was a bit of a challenge in Asia in the early days of getting the Mozza’s up and running. Everything is built on relationships, and when you start somewhere new, it takes time to develop that. Staffing can also present challenges.  (Asia Quotes) Europe began as the relatively empty, uncivilized Wild West of Asia; then the Western Hemisphere became the Wild West of Europe. Now the sun has set in our West and risen once more in the East.  (Asia Quotes) I will try to work for greater reconciliation, cooperation and peace in North East Asia based on correct perception of history.  (Asia Quotes) When I hear people flatteringly say, ‘You’re an expert on East Asia...’ I’m certainly an observer of East Asia, and central Asia, and ASEAN, and to a lesser extent South Asia and the Gulf, but there’s always something behind the wall in China.  (Asia Quotes) The election of Shinzo Abe as the leader of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic party and now prime minister will have profound repercussions for Japan and East Asia. Most western commentary during the premiership of Junichiro Koizumi has been concerned with the extent to which Japan has allowed a freer rein to market forces.  (Asia Quotes) I first met Kim Dae Jung when he was a Korean dissident whose life was threatened by the military regime ruling in Seoul. I was Ronald Reagan’s Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights, and Kim was directed to me because the East Asia Bureau at the State Department had long shunned him.  (Asia Quotes)
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