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Asia Quotes

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(They) were responsible for spreading the Buddhist religion throughout India and East Asia  (Asia Quotes) East Asia confirms the superior capacity of industrial capitalism in raising the material standard of living of large masses of people.  (Asia Quotes) [Donald Trump] even said, well, you know, if there were nuclear war in East Asia, well, you know, that’s fine have a good time, folks.  (Asia Quotes) I worked on human rights projects in Haiti, Cameroon, and East Asia, and the bigger ones tended to do with agriculture. My role was to make sure that there was equity that remained at the base of those projects, with the workers. I had a couple of different lives.  (Asia Quotes) Australia - not western in geography, of course, but in every other respect for sure (it certainly doesn’t want to be regarded as Asian, God forbid) - loves nothing more than to throw its weight around in South-East Asia by playing peacekeeper, carrying out its role as the United States’ regional policeman.  (Asia Quotes) The European Tour plays all over the world: from the U.K. to China, from Korea to South Africa, and from the Middle East to southeast Asia.  (Asia Quotes) As young West Point cadets, our motto was ‘duty, honor, country.’ But it was in the field, from the rice paddies of Southeast Asia to the sands of the Middle East, that I learned that motto’s fullest meaning. There I saw gallant young Americans of every race, creed and background fight, and sometimes die, for ‘duty, honor, and their country.’  (Asia Quotes) The U.S. needs to control the Middle East, the gateway to Asia. It already has military installations in Uzbekistan.  (Asia Quotes) This visit [to Singapore] is an occasion to mark the 50th anniversary our bilateral relationship with Singapore, which is one of our strongest and most reliable partners in South-east Asia.  (Asia Quotes) China is the big economic engine in Asia, so what happens is, as China growth expands, these countries in the periphery of China, whether it be Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, they end up growing with China because they become big exporters.  (Asia Quotes) For centuries, the Yangtze River - the longest in Asia - has played an important role in China’s history, culture, and economy. The Yangtze is as quintessentially Chinese as the Nile is Egyptian or the Rhine is German. Many businesses use its name.  (Asia Quotes) I went to SG Formula and became Formula Renault 2.0 Champion. I went then to ART in Formula 3 and became Champion. Then I stayed with the team in GP2 Asia Series, and again, I became Champion. Then the first year of GP2 was really great. I was P4 at the end of the season, which was a fantastic result.  (Asia Quotes) Africa is being raped mainly by Asia, but the second largest market for dead endangered animals is the US. Most don’t know this is happening. I didn’t, but once I found out, I had to try and help.  (Asia Quotes) Even though I support the blue side of Manchester’s football heritage, I don’t really mind that wherever I go in the world it’s not Manchester City that starts the conversation. ‘Ah, yes, Manchester United,’ is the response when I say where I come from. It’s commonplace everywhere - in Europe, Africa, Asia and even the U.S.  (Asia Quotes) In Edna, I created a satiric portrait of my hometown of Melbourne, a large provincial English city paradoxically in far Southeast Asia. She’s a theatrical figure, related to vaudeville in some respects. She inhabits a world in which there are comparatively few female exponents of comedy.  (Asia Quotes) I have many golfer friends whom I play with, including my good friend Ian Poulter, a professional golfer who’s coming to Asia to play in a few tournaments.  (Asia Quotes) The Internet is emblematic of an era in which what happens in Southeast Asia or southern Africa - from democratic advances to deforestation to the fight against aids - can affect Americans. As has been observed about water pollution, we all live downstream now.  (Asia Quotes) The most important thing to keep in mind is the incredible diversity of talent that’s out there - there are so many great actors from all over Asia, from Singapore and Hong Kong to the Philippines and Mainland China, not to mention many great Asian-American actors who are eager for fun and challenging roles.  (Asia Quotes) Fear has disappeared. No more fear. In Asia, it is different. They’ve discovered again the fear and the psychology of the characters. Without psychology, the horror film doesn’t exist.  (Asia Quotes) There was a time when if you had a financial crisis in Southeast Asia somewhere, it had no impact on our markets. Today it does.  (Asia Quotes) You should never get away from where the real foundation of Formula One has been, which is Europe. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the expansion to countries like Asia, China, Malaysia.  (Asia Quotes) One-way monologues through the Voice of America and Radio Free Asia don’t have much street cred with China’s Internet generation, to be honest.  (Asia Quotes) Once Europe’s colonial empires were sent into deep decline, thanks to World War II, America became globalization’s primary replicating force, integrating Asia into its low-end production networks across the second half of the twentieth century - just like Europe had integrated the U.S. before.  (Asia Quotes) I’ve learned so much through life. Starting off in Asia, the cultures, the people you meet, the poverty you see. It’s been a great education for me, and I’ve loved every minute of it.  (Asia Quotes) Men can’t do much to change; we have to wear suits, although I never wear a tie, apart from in Asia sometimes. So I decided to grow my hair.  (Asia Quotes) The Asia Pacific is home to nearly half the world’s population, a growing middle class and holds so much opportunity for us all.  (Asia Quotes) I’m not panicking, and I’m not scared, I’ve been through the Gulf War, the Asia crisis, and the Russian crisis.  (Asia Quotes) From antiquity, Latin died but is still studied in seminaries and elite universities. So did Sanskrit in Asia. iI was replaced by Pali, but even Pali died, too. Linguists say the only ancient language which was resuscitated from the grave was Hebrew of Israel.  (Asia Quotes)
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