Asia surrounds us - wherever one's glance rests, a Tartar physiognomy

Asia surrounds us - wherever one's glance rests, a Tartar physiognomy
Thomas Mann, a renowned German novelist and essayist, often explored themes of cultural identity, human nature, and the clash of civilizations in his works. In his novel "The Magic Mountain," Mann delves into the complexities of European society in the early 20th century, particularly in relation to the influence of Asia on Western culture.The quote "Asia surrounds us - wherever one's glance rests, a Tartar physiognomy" is a powerful statement that reflects Mann's fascination with the East and its impact on the West. In the novel, the protagonist, Hans Castorp, visits a sanatorium in the Swiss Alps and encounters a diverse group of patients from different backgrounds. Among them are Russian and Eastern European characters who embody the exoticism and mystery of Asia.
Mann uses the image of the "Tartar physiognomy" to symbolize the otherness and foreignness of the East in the eyes of Westerners. The term "Tartar" refers to the nomadic tribes of Central Asia, known for their distinctive features and customs. By juxtaposing this image with the European setting of the sanatorium, Mann highlights the cultural and racial tensions that existed in Europe at the time.
Through the character of Settembrini, a humanist and intellectual, Mann explores the clash of civilizations between East and West. Settembrini represents the rational and enlightened values of Western civilization, while the Eastern characters embody a more mystical and spiritual worldview. The tension between these two perspectives reflects Mann's own ambivalence towards the East and its influence on Western culture.
Overall, the quote "Asia surrounds us - wherever one's glance rests, a Tartar physiognomy" encapsulates Mann's interest in the cultural and historical connections between Europe and Asia. It serves as a reminder of the complex interplay of ideas, beliefs, and traditions that shape our understanding of the world. Mann's exploration of these themes in "The Magic Mountain" continues to resonate with readers today, offering a nuanced and thought-provoking perspective on the relationship between East and West.