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Asking Quotes

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Q: So, why do you write these strong female characters? A: Because you’re still asking me that question  (Asking Quotes) They been callin up here, asking when I am gonna get out. When I hit bricks, it all belongs to me  (Asking Quotes) I spent a lot of time in churches. If you go to a synagogue, someone is always asking if you’re alone, if you’re married. In a church, in a hundred years no one would ask  (Asking Quotes) Here we have been sitting down for a brief moment and you are already asking me if there are pictures of me in my drawers  (Asking Quotes) He looked at her again, now with the vague abject shyness that older men often have with young women, as though asking their indulgence for no longer being young  (Asking Quotes) The toughest question has always been, how do you get your ideas? How do you answer that? It’s like asking runners how they run, or singers how they sing. They just do it!  (Asking Quotes) People are always asking me what my lyrics mean. Well I say what any decent poet would say if you dared ask him to analyse his work: if you see it, darling, then it’s there  (Asking Quotes) What we should be asking is not whether we need a big government or small government, but how we can create a smarter and better government  (Asking Quotes) In me there have always been two fools, among others, one asking nothing better than to stay where he is and the other imagining that life might be slightly less horrible a little further on  (Asking Quotes) I never thought of asking anyone to do it for me. Something’s wrong with me. In a time of trouble should people not be able to ask help without feeling demeaned?  (Asking Quotes) Why do you bother asking, when you know the answer and you also know that you don’t intend to believe it?  (Asking Quotes) Arms cannot be commodities in our world. They must be delivered to the peoples asking for them to use against the common enemy, with no charge and in the quantities needed and available  (Asking Quotes) We are very shy of asking questions of those who know enough to destroy with one word the hopes we live on  (Asking Quotes) My work has been essentially a dialogue with death, asking him, why? Why? So only death can silence me. Only death can close my lips  (Asking Quotes) You asking me the way? Yes, I said, since I can’t find it myself. Give it up! Give it up! Said he, and turned with a sudden jerk, like someone who wants to be alone with his laughter  (Asking Quotes) I am treating you as my friend, asking you to share my present minuses in the hope I can ask you to share my future pluses  (Asking Quotes) As for my next book, I am going to hold myself from writing it till I have it impending in me: grown heavy in my mind like a ripe pear; pendant, gravid, asking to be cut or it will fall  (Asking Quotes) Gestures and facial expressions do indeed communicate, as anyone can prove by turning off the sound on a television set and asking watchers to characterize the speakers from the picture alone  (Asking Quotes) Anyone who is considered funny will tell you, sometimes without your even asking, that deep inside they are very serious, neurotic, introspective people  (Asking Quotes) I justify myself because I’m taking risks myself, and I’m not asking people to do things I’m not willing to do... If you are going to do anything about it, other people are going to be killed  (Asking Quotes) We are in for a very, very long haul... I am asking for everything you have to give. We will never give up  (Asking Quotes) I’m treating you as a friend asking you to share my present minuses in the hope that I can ask you to share my future pluses  (Asking Quotes) I don’t know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of my own handshake, to look into my eyes, or to hear my voice. We can only know how we are perceived by asking others  (Asking Quotes) If anyone did that, I absolutely apologize... Because everything we do is based at adults. We’re asking adults be responsible. You were telling me about giving your children meat and milk. They’re going to be to grow up to be tubs of lard. They’re getting heart attacks  (Asking Quotes) I don’t want you fellows sitting around asking me what to do. I want you to tell me what to do  (Asking Quotes) If there is something to gain and nothing to lose by asking, by all means ask!  (Asking Quotes) It doesn’t matter. I’m not asking forever of you... just let me love you now  (Asking Quotes) But it’s a poor fellow who can’t take his pleasure without asking other people’s permission  (Asking Quotes) But questions that don’t answer themselves at the very moment of their asking are never answered  (Asking Quotes) When a friend is in trouble, don’t annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it  (Asking Quotes)
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