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You can’t create a successful politics of support for public education on the basis of asking voters not to care about skills, and tests that measure skills, at all  (Asking Quotes) I am very interested in asking questions, and I am very interested in being involved in shows that ask people to think and feel  (Asking Quotes) I began asking, ‘How can we know Christianity is true?’ Sadly, none of the adults in my life offered an answer. Eventually I decided Christianity must not have any answers, and I became an agnostic  (Asking Quotes) Please reduce the expectation in your tone when asking me how my day is going  (Asking Quotes) Maybe there’s some unquenchable question that I keep asking the universe that I can’t get an answer to  (Asking Quotes) Nowadays, the media have to be there to keep you from asking too many questions, from getting together with other people who might want to do the Jeffersonian thing and call out the government  (Asking Quotes) I do love the prose poem because it’s such a perverse and provocative little box - always asking to be questioned, never giving a straight or definitive answer  (Asking Quotes) It’s not so much the question that offends me; it’s that the people asking it don’t seem to respect the moral seriousness of the question  (Asking Quotes) Begging for acknowledgment, or even asking, diminishes dignity and diminishes power  (Asking Quotes) The mere idea of asking a family member if they intentionally stopped sending me an annual bonus makes me feel like breaking out in hives  (Asking Quotes) I get emails from strangers every day asking for love advice, which is kind of counter-intuitive since I’m making a movie about what an idiot I am with relationships  (Asking Quotes) Someone like Mozart moves from Salzburg to Vienna, where all of the sudden he finds this musical city that is not only asking for music, it’s demanding music of him  (Asking Quotes) A lot of people have been asking whether I would ever go into politics. I’m not sure I would  (Asking Quotes) The U.N. is asking Italy to oversee this effort. And if a government is formed, you’re likely to see up to 5,000 Italian troops maybe go in to provide security and also train a Libyan army  (Asking Quotes) If you’re going into stand-up, you’re hyper-analyzing the world and asking as many questions about a thing as you possibly can so you can figure out the ultimate nature of that thing  (Asking Quotes) More and more of my audio fans are asking for audiobook versions - files without the intro/outro/etc that go into the podcasts. More and more want them from Audible  (Asking Quotes) I get interviewed a lot, and I found myself listening to what the interviewer is asking me, I’m analyzing what I’m being asked more than my response  (Asking Quotes) It was like I was asking for attention, but I didn’t really want attention  (Asking Quotes) Very often kids don’t ask questions in class because they don’t want to be seen asking a question  (Asking Quotes) To wonder where the mind goes after the brain decays is as silly as asking where the 70-miles-per-hour have gone after a speeding auto has crashed into a tree  (Asking Quotes) I have this habit of asking ‘why do you want to do it?’ and then interrupting them to say, ‘here’s why you want to do it.’ Because it’s in the ‘yes...and’ spirit [rule of improvisation]  (Asking Quotes) In talking about equality and asking vehemently for its realization, nobody advocates a curtailment of his own present income  (Asking Quotes) If you’re asking me have I purchased a CD, a DVD or downloaded a current artist? The answer is no  (Asking Quotes) I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer  (Asking Quotes) Looking for love on the internet is like Janet Leigh asking Norman Bates if he likes her body  (Asking Quotes) True prayer is not asking God for love; it is learning to love, and to include all mankind in one affection  (Asking Quotes) How do you dare to ask me for a solution? It’s like asking Seneca for a solution. You remember what he did? He committed suicide!  (Asking Quotes) Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom  (Asking Quotes) Nothing’s more offensive than asking if I’m on my period while I’m on my period  (Asking Quotes) Before asking a friend to borrow money ask yourself which is more important, their friendship or their money  (Asking Quotes)
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