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Asking Quotes

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Don’t be shy about asking for help. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, it only means you’re wise  (Asking Quotes) If you’re in a new relationship, you’re asking for destruction if you’re friends with an ex, or someone you had relations with  (Asking Quotes) I think kids want the same thing from a book that adults want - a fast-paced story, characters worth caring about, humor, surprises, and mystery. A good book always keeps you asking questions, and makes you keep turning pages so you can find out the answers  (Asking Quotes) Lack of clarity is the number-one time-waster. Always be asking, ‘What am I trying to do? How am I trying to do it  (Asking Quotes) I respect the office of the presidency, but I never worship at the shrines of our public servants... The Washington press corps has the privilege of asking the president of the United States what he is doing and why  (Asking Quotes) We have to design a health delivery system by actually talking to people and asking, ‘What would make this service better for you?’ As soon as you start asking, you get a flood of answers  (Asking Quotes) If a potato can produce vitamin C, why can’t we? Within the animal kingdom only humans and guinea pigs are unable to synthesize vitamin C in their own bodies. Why us and guinea pigs? No point asking. Nobody knows  (Asking Quotes) I was with the 101st Airborne Division in Iraq, really in the middle of nowhere, about 80 miles south of Baghdad. And it was almost midnight, and I got a computer message from the home office of the Washington Post asking me to call them. I did call them and was told that I’d won the Pulitzer Prize  (Asking Quotes) Few people asking about my post Westlife plans!? I’ll be making a solo album of course! The process has already started actually ;)  (Asking Quotes) I’m asking you in your sermons to do the work of the Lord here on earth. I ask for your help in getting that message out urgently tomorrow  (Asking Quotes) Stop asking yourself questions that have no meaning. Or if they have, you’ll find out when you need to -- find out both the questions and the answers  (Asking Quotes) Here in California, one candidate for governor is a 100-year-old woman. She’s going door-to-door and asking one simple question - ‘Do I live here?’  (Asking Quotes) I can’t figure out why anyone invests in active management, so asking me about hedge funds is just an extreme version of the same question. Since I think everything is appropriately priced, my advice would be to avoid high fees. So you can forget about hedge funds  (Asking Quotes) I’m getting less good at faking it. People in my family are noticing and asking what’s wrong. My friends give me invitations to talk, to cry. I love them for their caring, but I want to run from it. I have lost their language, their facility with words that convey feelings. I am in new territory and feel like a foreigner in theirs  (Asking Quotes) Solutions come through evolution. They come through asking the right questions, because the answers pre-exist. It is the questions that we must define and discover. You don’t invent the answer-you reveal the answer  (Asking Quotes) Which is stronger, politics or love? is like asking, Which is stronger, exhaling or inhaling? They are two sides of the same thing  (Asking Quotes) I can’t make wine simple. But I can make it fun and beautiful, instead of esoteric and intimidating. The minute you realize it’s OK to stumble along like the rest of us, asking questions and paying attention to your own reactions, then you’ll begin what I hope will be a lifelong love affair with wine  (Asking Quotes) I had one of those light bulb ‘a ha’ moments while screening ‘Good Will Hunting’ in Camp David in 1998 - Madeleine Albright and the Clintons were there, and I just became really inspired by all of these amazing people. I left the screening asking myself what I could do  (Asking Quotes) I think I have an ongoing conversation with God. I think throughout the day, I’m constantly asking myself questions about what I’m doing, why am I doing it  (Asking Quotes) As actors you have this trait to imitate very easily. I don’t want to imitate anything or limit myself of finding this creature, this woman because I’m looking at magazines and I’m reading comics, and I’m asking people that are avid readers of The Guardians  (Asking Quotes) I could go on and on and on about how we use the word ‘place’ in so many different ways. About how somebody might ask you ‘Where you at?’ And they’re not asking where are you sitting, where are you living, they’re asking: ‘How are you doing?  (Asking Quotes) I didn’t want readers to think I was asking to be praised for taking care of my wife while she was ill. Lots of people are heroic, more heroic than I was, when faced with the suffering of someone they love  (Asking Quotes) Since I was a child, I started to ask very difficult questions; even my family was telling me all the time, ‘You’re a very difficult person, and we were having trouble answering your questions. Why are you asking so many questions?’  (Asking Quotes) You don’t need a foreign policy expert to tell you empty threats and hollow promises don’t work. Ask any parent of a rebellious teenager. If you don’t make good on the threats, you’re asking for worse behavior next time  (Asking Quotes) I remember when I did ‘Mrityudand’ there was this big hoo-ha, and people were asking me why I was doing an art movie, and I would just tell them that, ‘You know, what’s the big deal, it’s a movie.’ I’m so glad that’s a thing of the past  (Asking Quotes) You read the pragmatists and all you know is: not Descartes, not Kant, not Plato. It’s like aspirin. You can’t use aspirin to give yourself power, you take it to get rid of headaches. In that way, pragmatism is a philosophical therapy. It helps you stop asking the unhelpful questions  (Asking Quotes) I would use sport as an escape from the pain of what was real. Instead of dealing with the pain, instead of being honest about the pain, instead of asking for help - if I had to do it differently, I would do it differently in that regard  (Asking Quotes) The Love Dare for Parents really came from an ongoing response from people who went through the couple’s book asking us to do the same for children. It’s been a long time coming after a couple years doing this. But we’re excited that it’s now hitting shelves. We learned a lot going through the process of writing it, so we can’t wait to see what happens  (Asking Quotes) I lean on a lot of drivers. I have a dirt racing background so I gravitate towards asking for advice from drivers who also dirt race, people like Clint Bowyer since dirt racers seem to have a similar driving style and like the car set up similarly  (Asking Quotes) We usually start by asking the collaborators to submit a couple of ideas. Then, Larry and I will sort through all the submissions and choose the ones based on what we think will add most to the collection. Once the scripts are written, the stages are: rehearse, record, edit, sound design, foley and finally, the mix  (Asking Quotes)
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