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Asking Quotes

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Leadership isn’t answering the questions others ask. Leadership is asking others to answer their own questions.  (Asking Quotes) I find it weird the way people get so excited about celebrity. If my friends are on the phone, their friends will say: ‘Is that kid from ‘Love Actually’ there?’ And the phone gets passed round and I have to speak to this stranger asking: ‘Are you famous?’ I don’t know how to answer.  (Asking Quotes) Philosophy may be defined as the art of asking the right question...awareness of the problem outlives all solutions. The answers are questions in disguise, every new answer giving rise to new questions.  (Asking Quotes) If we keep asking the wrong questions, we are just going to get better wrong answers. The solution to lack of community isn’t to give up on the community.  (Asking Quotes) I think that most art is asking a question or is looking for something, looking for answers and that is what life seems to be about for most people.  (Asking Quotes) We are proposing that there is value in a totally new product category and a totally new set of questions. Just like the Apple II proposed, ‘Would you reasonably want a computer in your home if you weren’t an accountant or professional?’ That is the question Glass is asking, and I hope in the end that is how it will be judged.  (Asking Quotes) During most of my life, my contact with Jews and Judaism was slight. I gave little thought to their problems, save in asking myself, from time to time, whether we were showing by our lives due appreciation of the opportunities which this hospitable country affords. My approach to Zionism was through Americanism.  (Asking Quotes) The people in Arab countries are now speaking out and asking many questions about human rights, minorities, religion, democracy, the other, and so on.  (Asking Quotes) Somebody was asking me the other day - President Bush is now talking about freedom for the Arab world. I say, well, that’s great. I was talking about that fifty years ago.  (Asking Quotes) In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus assumes that asking for forgiveness would be a daily occurrence, as would praying that we might be delivered from evil and led not into temptation.  (Asking Quotes) Everywhere I go I find that people... both leaders and individuals... are asking one basic question, ‘Is there any hope for the future?’ My answer is the same, ‘Yes, through Jesus Christ.’  (Asking Quotes) Every time I ask questions about sex, I always end up asking questions about death  (Asking Quotes) Very often kids don’t ask questions in class because they don’t want to be seen asking a question.  (Asking Quotes) We are all busy. It’s easy to find excuses for not reaching out to others, but I imagine they will sound as hollow to our Heavenly Father as the elementary school boy who gave his teacher a note asking that he be excused from school March 30th through the 34th.  (Asking Quotes) But I don’t want to be out there anymore; I don’t want people asking me about my health issues, about my kids. I choose not to be a public paparazzi girl on purpose.  (Asking Quotes) That’s something I learned from both my stepdad and my grandfather - that there is a thing called chivalry, and it doesn’t have to die with the birth of the Internet. The way I see it, if you’re asking a girl out on a date, it’s only right to do it in a way that she can hear your voice.  (Asking Quotes) I am a Christian and I don’t think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate  (Asking Quotes) There is no such thing as a dumb question but there is such a thing as a dumb person asking a question.  (Asking Quotes) If you don’t let a teacher know what level you are -- by asking a question, or revealing your ignorance -- you will not learn or grow  (Asking Quotes) In terms of asking questions, I plead guilty. I ask a hell of a lot of questions. That’s my job.  (Asking Quotes) I think all writers write from the time they’re really young, and you just start asking the question, ‘What if?’  (Asking Quotes) Charm is a way of getting the answer ‘Yes’ without asking a clear question  (Asking Quotes) Sixty-four thousand dollars for a question, I hope they are asking you the meaning of life  (Asking Quotes) A political leader is necessarily an imposter since he believes in solving life’s problems without asking its question.  (Asking Quotes) Maybe there’s some unquenchable question that I keep asking the universe that I can’t get an answer to.  (Asking Quotes) Whatever sociology may be, it is the result of constantly asking the question, what is the meaning of this?  (Asking Quotes) As it is, the vital question you should be asking is not what I am, but what you yourself are  (Asking Quotes) I wondered if there were other restless people asking the question with me: What if Jesus meant the stuff he said?.  (Asking Quotes) Asking a question is the simplest way of focusing thinking...asking the right question may be the most important part of thinking.  (Asking Quotes) I asked the question for the best reason possible, for the only reason, indeed, that excuses anyone for asking any question - simple curiosity.  (Asking Quotes)
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