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Asking Quotes

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Being a male capable of grunting, sweating, and not asking for directions, but not yet having conqured a women...in our culture, that wasn’t manhood, that was dorksville!  (Asking Quotes) Stop asking for directions so much. Assuming that you’re in a safe environment, pay attention and figure things out for yourself. Have the nerve to take a wrong turn now and then. You’ll develop better working instincts and have more self-esteem too.  (Asking Quotes) Change isn’t made by asking permission. Change is made by asking forgiveness, later.  (Asking Quotes) I will be asking for forgiveness, but hopefully I won’t have to be asking for much forgiveness  (Asking Quotes) If you do not have the power to compete with the best believers in good deeds, then compete with the sinners in asking for Allah’s forgiveness.  (Asking Quotes) None of us deserve God’s forgiveness. The Bible says to forgive because God forgave us. It doesn’t say anything about deserving it or even asking for it.  (Asking Quotes) For me, being vulnerable is asking for help from other people whatever it may be  (Asking Quotes) Asking for help with shame says: You have the power over me. Asking with condescension says: I have the power over you. But asking for help with gratitude says: We have the power to help each other.  (Asking Quotes) But I think for me, why I was drawn to the piece is, at the core of the story, it’s a love story to me - between Ed and Lorraine, between these two families who are asking for help and us who are in the business of giving help.  (Asking Quotes) Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don’t know something, and then allows you to learn something new.  (Asking Quotes) You watch him playing Jack Sparrow, and he’s loving it, and he’s loving being in that world. He’s still excited by it. Sometimes, he’ll even say, ‘Was that OK?’ And I’m thinking, ‘You’re Johnny Depp man, you know that’s OK!’ But he doesn’t. He’s still going to [director] Gore [Verbinski] and asking for help. It’s a privilege to see the human side of Johnny. It’s really exciting.  (Asking Quotes) Asking the government to help you for short periods of time is different than asking the government to take care of you for the rest of your life.  (Asking Quotes) Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful idiots are always asking, What’s in it for me?  (Asking Quotes) Increasingly developing countries are asking for aid to help deal with the consequences of climate change, which we don’t want to give.  (Asking Quotes) Asking for other’s guidance helps you see what you may not be able to see. It’s always important to check your ego and ask for help.  (Asking Quotes) Before you think of asking for support from someone for the success your dreams, ask yourself how much of what I have can I invest? Help yourself first!  (Asking Quotes) If you believe you are guilty and deserve to be punished, you are asking for it!  (Asking Quotes) Somewhere it is written that parents who are critical of other people’s children and publicly admit they can do better are asking for it.  (Asking Quotes) I’m like, If you do something dumb, I’ll write about it. If you put something out there, to me it’s like you’re kind of asking for it.  (Asking Quotes) I will say this: one of the things that is a pain when you’re expecting children is how much advice unsolicited people give you when you’re not asking for it.  (Asking Quotes) The human race is a very, very magical race. We have a magic power of witches and wizards. We’re here on this earth to unravel the mystery of this planet. The planet is asking for it.  (Asking Quotes) People perceive me as a commodity. They just don’t think anything of asking for five minutes of my time. It never occurs to them that if they’re asking for it and another thousand people are asking, I don’t have 1,000 five minutes to give.  (Asking Quotes) My hair is such a statement that it’s like a neon sign asking for trouble  (Asking Quotes) It was a struggle financing CNN, but I did it without ever asking the government for a nickel  (Asking Quotes) And people coming up asking for autographs, there’s only one time when it kind of bothers me: when I’m eating.  (Asking Quotes) You have to make changes before people are clamoring for changes. If people are asking for changes, it’s too late.  (Asking Quotes) The fans have been great to me. I don’t think it’s asking too much to have me sign something for them.  (Asking Quotes) I think people expect mud at festivals, I think you’d be asking for your money back if you didn’t get it.  (Asking Quotes) True prayer is not asking God for love; it is learning to love, and to include all mankind in one affection.  (Asking Quotes) The vast majority of my time is traveling and talking about the issues. It isn’t really calling and asking for money.  (Asking Quotes)
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