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Asking Quotes

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I’m not dieting anymore. I want to eat what my body is asking of me. Just listen to your body in general - it’s all self-awareness.  (Asking Quotes) Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.  (Asking Quotes) Asking in prayer helps you to see your problem in the light of God’s power  (Asking Quotes) Prayer is not asking for what you think you want, but asking to be changed in ways you can’t imagine.  (Asking Quotes) A spiritual prayer is a humble prayer. Prayer is the asking of an alms, which requires humility... The lower the heart descends, the higher the prayer ascends.  (Asking Quotes) Every prayer is an agreement with yourself. The mind is asking the real you, which is life, to guide your decisions for every single choice that you make.  (Asking Quotes) By reading a lot of novels in a variety of genres, and asking questions, it’s possible to learn how things are done - the mechanics of writing, so to speak - and which genres and authors excel in various areas.  (Asking Quotes) When the press began asking me for interviews, I freaked out. My instinct is to hide.  (Asking Quotes) I don’t have many friends so the phone doesn’t ring and no one’s asking me to go out and go dancing with them.  (Asking Quotes) He’s just not that into you if he’s not asking you out. Because if he likes you, trust me, he will ask you out.  (Asking Quotes) The mere idea of asking a family member if they intentionally stopped sending me an annual bonus makes me feel like breaking out in hives.  (Asking Quotes) I’ve been asking around to find out what girls are into, Eugene tells me, really pleased with himself. So I’m gonna get a spray tan and make red-velvet cupcakes.  (Asking Quotes) You’ve got to ask! Asking is, in my opinion, the world’s most powerful - and neglected - secret to success and happiness.  (Asking Quotes) Well if you were asking my personal opinion on that I think the answer can only be yes but it was missed. Much as I know I’m responsible for a lot of things, I can’t wear any responsibility for that.  (Asking Quotes) There was an opinion expressed in the newspapers that, after 20 years, maybe the Israel Philharmonic should consider asking me to leave. I thought they might have a point, so I asked my orchestra. They told me overwhelmingly that they wanted me to stay.  (Asking Quotes) For years, we have been asking the E.U. to create something similar to the Russia-NATO council. Not in order to simply exchange opinions and work out recommendations, but to make decisions.  (Asking Quotes) Asking politicians to vote themselves out of power is like asking rabbits not to multiply, it ain’t natural.  (Asking Quotes) I learn so much from writing with other musicians, asking questions about their playing style and gear, and hanging out, too.  (Asking Quotes) When men hire themselves out to shoot other men to order, asking nothing about the justice of their cause, I don’t care if they are shot themselves.  (Asking Quotes) When we look up at the night sky and wonder, ‘Is there anyone else out there?’ we’re also asking who we are in relation to them.  (Asking Quotes) Are we willing to shun vain repetition and keep our prayers out of an unchallenging rut by asking God to make us more sensitive to our own sin?  (Asking Quotes) Find something to feel good about and get out of the way, and allow the cells to receive what they’ve been asking for. That is the key to healing.  (Asking Quotes) My work from the last 25 years has been asking people to see differently  (Asking Quotes) I think people can benefit tremendously from really asking why they’re doing certain things,  (Asking Quotes) People asking questions, lost in confusion, well I tell them there’s no problem, only solutions.  (Asking Quotes) But it’s a poor fellow who can’t take his pleasure without asking other people’s permission.  (Asking Quotes) We need to start asking ourselves, does religion make people narrow minded or open minded?  (Asking Quotes) I’m stunned that people keep asking me to play characters I didn’t expect to play  (Asking Quotes) If you get people asking the wrong questions, you don’t have to worry about the answers  (Asking Quotes) People who watch ‘Transporter’ are maybe asking a little less about reality, being serious, and so on.  (Asking Quotes)
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