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Asking Quotes

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It’s funny, because I did all of these interviews as soon as I had the baby, and they were asking questions, and I really didn’t have an idea of anything, because I was so blurry.  (Asking Quotes) The coaching process is unique in how it accomplishes leadership development. The coach works not by providing answers per se but by asking questions through which the leader gains new insights and takes new actions.  (Asking Quotes) Don’t wait for mentors to seek you out. Don’t ever wait for your phone calls to be returned, your letters to be answered, your faxes to be responded to. Keep going out and asking question.  (Asking Quotes) I realized if I didn’t start talking to my relatives, asking questions, thinking back to my own beginnings, there would come a time when those people wouldn’t be around to help me look back and remember.  (Asking Quotes) I’m constantly trying to keep people guessing as to what I’m doing, and I will spend enormous amounts of time looking at manuscripts and asking questions, and people will say, ‘I know what his next book is about.’  (Asking Quotes) Because I’ve always aspired to direct and produce, I’ve literally worked with about 200 directors and countless producers, so what I appreciate is how, through osmosis and through actually asking questions and through people offering wisdom, there’s a lot in there.  (Asking Quotes) I’ve played journalists before, and I have good friends who are journalists. I think being an actor is not very far from being a journalist. Because you investigate, you try to understand, you’re asking questions, you’re interested in the other.  (Asking Quotes) Sometimes the best answer to a question is another question. Is it not by asking questions that we stimulate each other to reach more deeply into our own source and, thereby, approach the Source, both together and in our different ways? (7)  (Asking Quotes) Not asking questions: Giving up on your dreams: Settling for less than you deserve causes you pain, a pain owned by the majority. Be among the few who are inquisitive, forge plans to chase their dreams and take intentional action to live the life aligned with their potential.  (Asking Quotes) In an honest effort to gain understanding, asking questions do not, necessarily, imply a conclusion has been determined. They can be used to avoid making the wrong judgement. If building trust is the ultimate goal - there is no need to be defensive, or feel threatened by any inquiry.  (Asking Quotes) If you don’t understand, ask questions. If you’re uncomfortable about asking questions, say you are uncomfortable about asking questions and then ask anyway. It’s easy to tell when a question is coming from a good place. Then listen some more. Sometimes people just want to feel heard. Here’s to possibilities of friendship and connection and understanding.  (Asking Quotes) Asking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water.  (Asking Quotes) As a mom, you have all these situations you go through, and you’re like, ‘What is going on? Is this normal? Is this a phase? Or what is this?’ and then you feel silly for asking questions because you think, ‘I’m a mom - I’m supposed to know these things,’ but you don’t.  (Asking Quotes) You do not need to justify asking questions. But if you think you have found answers, you do not have the right to remain silent.  (Asking Quotes) I never felt like someone who was boyish and coming to terms with asking girls out or anything like that, which was what ‘The Big Steal’ and ‘Spotswood’ were about. But I guess that’s the impression I left on people.  (Asking Quotes) I always was kind of on the edge of the church when I was fully in it, cos I was always asking the questions... And I could never believe blindly.  (Asking Quotes) I think the problem with polemics is that it’s general and it’s lazy. When you say, This is bad, that’s a general thing. We’re more interested in asking the question.  (Asking Quotes) The rebel army in Libya is just like 1,000 guys in Toyota trucks. The world is asking the question; can 1000 anti-government guys in pick-up trucks with small arms, take over a country of millions? To which I say, ask the Teabaggers.  (Asking Quotes) There isn’t a fight that I’m in that I’m not asking the question, ‘What could we have done to avoid this?’ Or, ‘What can we do to avoid this in the future in terms of the kinds of things that we see?’  (Asking Quotes) Magneto has a whole lot of complexity to him. Emotionally, he’s coming from a very damaged place. I like the ambivalence of it. I want the audience leaving the theater wondering, asking the questions themselves rather than being spoon-fed like a lot of these super-villain characters.  (Asking Quotes) I have an incredible confidence in the resilience of the human spirit and the creative ability of the Holy Spirit. So, if you can get people asking the right questions, it really will start moving in the right direction.  (Asking Quotes) Feynman’s cryptic remark, no one is that much smarter ..., to me, implies something Feynman kept emphasizing: that the key to his achievements was not anything magical but the right attitude, the focus on nature’s reality, the focus on asking the right questions, the willingness to try (and to discard) unconventional answers, the sensitive ear for phoniness, self-deception, bombast, and conventional but unproven assumptions.  (Asking Quotes) Patience is fine, but I’m not going to stop asking the Universe to make sense!  (Asking Quotes) One of the things that got me transitioning from physical science to brain science was asking, Why do we understand so much about the universe?  (Asking Quotes) In the bigger scheme of things the universe is not asking us to do something, the universe is asking us to be something. And that’s a whole different thing.  (Asking Quotes) I had a terrible time hiring rich people. It sounds funny, but the problem is when things go wrong they can ask, ‘Why am I doing this?’ You don’t ever want anybody asking that question. You want them to say, ‘I know why I’m doing it, I need the money, let’s go’ or whatever it is that draws them.  (Asking Quotes) Count the cost of everything.Rather than asking someone, How much does this cost? Ask yourself, What is my value?  (Asking Quotes) I think a person who wants too much is asking to be disappointed.... I’d like to be good at just one thing.  (Asking Quotes) Asking, How much is it? is THE BIGGEST buying signal. Telling me, Your price is too high. is THE SECOND BIGGEST buying signal  (Asking Quotes) Hollywood called me, asking me, How much to do a movie with Farrah Fawcett? $50,000 They called back, How about $20,000? I said, I’ll pay it!  (Asking Quotes)
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