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Asking Quotes

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By not asking too much, you can believe in almost anything..like..a starry night in the mountains, or even the existence of fate.  (Asking Quotes) We’re all taking on too much, we’re all asking too much of ourselves. We’re all wishing we could do more, and therefore just doing more.  (Asking Quotes) As your life goes on you should gain a deeper understanding of the world and the people moving through it; but that might be asking too much.  (Asking Quotes) I think, in terms of the media, journalists need to do a much better job of asking people they interview about conflicts of interest and then reporting them.  (Asking Quotes) People are constantly asking me if I’m pregnant, but I don’t like to talk about it too much. I just think about it as the next phase. We’ll see.  (Asking Quotes) If users are not doing what the designer intended (when users are investing time, effort, etc in your product), the designer may be asking them to do too much.  (Asking Quotes) Nowadays, the media have to be there to keep you from asking too many questions, from getting together with other people who might want to do the Jeffersonian thing and call out the government.  (Asking Quotes) The older I grow and the more I abandon myself to God’s will, the lessI value intelligence that wants to know and will that wants to do; andas the only element of salvation I recognize faith, which can wait patiently,without asking too many questions.  (Asking Quotes) You might be asking too much if you’re looking for one vaccine for every conceivable influenza. If you have one or two that cover the vast majority of isolates, I wouldn’t be ashamed to call that a ‘universal vaccine.’  (Asking Quotes) It really is disgusting when a guy in a ball cap with a high school education is the one asking the tough questions.  (Asking Quotes) I don’t need to be liked, but I need to be vital - on set or on stage - and I think that probably would be my advice: Stay vital. It’s about saying ‘no’ and asking the tough questions and believing in yourself when no one else will, but you have to know the rules to break them.  (Asking Quotes) There’s no use in asking what if. No one could ever give you the answers.  (Asking Quotes) All the time, as an actor, you want to be asking what’s next and where things are going. If you’re not asking those questions, you’re not growing.  (Asking Quotes) What if I say no?I keep asking till the only option is yes. I always win, Ms. Payne.  (Asking Quotes) Keep asking yourself, ‘What kind of a company would my company be if everyone in it was just like me?’  (Asking Quotes) The happiness of mankind, if it ever should come to pass, would still leave men asking: Why? What point to it? To what end?  (Asking Quotes) If you’re in government, the right thing to do is be focused on solving real problems and asking what’s the best solution to a particular problem.  (Asking Quotes) The press keep asking me, ‘What was your biggest mistake?’ But if I had made a big mistake, they’d all be writing about it, wouldn’t they?  (Asking Quotes) If you’re asking yourself why I have this success and you don’t, don’t be angry with me-stop and ask yourself what your issues are that are holding you back.  (Asking Quotes) What do you want most to do? That’s what I have to keep asking myself, in the face of difficulties.  (Asking Quotes) I don’t want you fellows sitting around asking me what to do. I want you to tell me what to do.  (Asking Quotes) I stopped asking a long time ago, why would you want me to play that? I’m an actor. That’s what I do.  (Asking Quotes) We started by asking what’s wrong with the world, and we ended up discovering what’s right with it.  (Asking Quotes) In the World Wars, people were perfectly able to shoot other people just because they belonged to the wrong country, without ever asking what their opinions were. Faith too is like that.  (Asking Quotes) With moviemaking, the audience always has to keep asking, ‘What happens next?’ If you have the wrong piece of music over a scene, people aren’t going to get the scene. If you have the wrong camera angle, people aren’t going to pay attention. That’s as much a part of the process as getting people to talk to you.  (Asking Quotes) We are trained to ask What’s wrong and how we fix it? Instead, start by asking - What works, what have we got, what’s possible and who cares?  (Asking Quotes) I really don’t bother asking why, I bother myself on asking how it can be done  (Asking Quotes) Chefs think about what it’s like to make food. Being a scientist in the kitchen is about asking why something works, and how it works.  (Asking Quotes) I will be me,when world aberrantlywill feel, my gravity!I will turn into my,when their shrill crywill stop asking why!(Poem:Because you so wanna meet me, Book: Ginger and Honey)  (Asking Quotes) Keep exploring. Keep dreaming. Keep asking why. Don’t settle for what you already know. Never stop believing in the power of your ideas, your imagination, your hard work to change the world.  (Asking Quotes)
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