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Asking Quotes

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As president of Common Cause, I joined a coalition of groups ranging from the Christian Coalition to Consumers Union, and we went to Congress with over a million signatures asking that Net Neutrality be made law.  (Asking Quotes) Perhaps the experience had been so complete that repetition would be vulgarity - like asking to hear the same symphony twice in a day.  (Asking Quotes) I’m so touched that complete strangers will send me a script asking me to be in their film. That still amazes me - and sometimes for a lot of money too.  (Asking Quotes) I often hear from new graduates that it’s better to wait until you have more experience.... But I’m a big believer in the power of inexperience.... The world needs you before you stop asking naive questions and while you have the time to understand the true nature of the complex problems we face and take them on.  (Asking Quotes) I don’t confess in my work because to me, that implies that you’re dumping all your guilt and sins on the page and asking the reader to forgive you.  (Asking Quotes) The conspiracy theory of society... comes from abandoning God and then asking: Who is in his place  (Asking Quotes) My biggest fear is doing the same things 10 years from now. That would be a failure. It’s something you have to constantly reassess, and asking yourself what you are going to do next makes it a good, long full journey.  (Asking Quotes) If you’re asking whether I intentionally mess up my hair, no, I don’t. And certain things, like my freckles, they’re just there. I don’t do anything consciously. I suppose I could get contact lenses. I suppose I could comb my hair more often.  (Asking Quotes) People get a little sidelined thinking that fame and fortune is going to bring them happiness, peace and contentment in their lives. Everyone thinks they want to be famous until the paparazzi are in their face, and then they’re asking, ‘Just give me some privacy.’  (Asking Quotes) I’m asking you to talk with your friends, neighbors, and relatives - even the ones you’ve never talked to about reproductive rights. That’s how you can throw your number in the bucket, and stand with a president who has stood with us. Conversation by conversation, vote by vote, we will re-elect President Barack Obama!  (Asking Quotes) Some religious practitioners make absolutist claims for their beliefs: I’ve no interest in doing this, nor do I have any interest in converting people, which is doubtless a relief to anyone who has feared finding me on their doorstep asking if they’d like to know more about Odin.  (Asking Quotes) I married a Florentine. We bought a house, had a family, and after a decade in our little Hollywood nest, we said, ‘Let’s go to Tuscany.’ Tell God you can’t make him laugh, but the next thing I know, my cooking show has become a hit, and they’re asking for more seasons, and they want it to be in the States.  (Asking Quotes) The reality is that asking the public to fund political campaigns accomplishes nothing. Candidates continue to seek interest-group support through other channels, both financial and in-kind, and corruption problems abound.  (Asking Quotes) We are asking Nigerians for their cooperation. They shouldn’t expect miracles to happen a couple of months after we’ve taken over because the destruction took so many years - 16 years of the ruling party’s rule of this country.  (Asking Quotes) I love that my dad has stopped asking me when I’m going to get a real job  (Asking Quotes) Prayer is listening as well as speaking, receiving as well as asking; and its deepest mood is friendship held in reverence. So the daily prayer should end as it begins - in adoration.  (Asking Quotes) I wrote an episode for ‘thirtysomething,’ and a producer said, ‘That’s really good, but what is it about? What does it say about you? What questions are you asking yourself?’ I had never thought about that. This comment changed who I was, because it made me look at my own soul, the dark corners in my soul, and accept that dark side.  (Asking Quotes) My friends and the people I know understand that I’m going to ask them what they’re doing, how they’re dating, who they’re dating, where they’re going and what they’re doing. I’m constantly asking those questions and making sure I’m in touch with the customer.  (Asking Quotes) Ever since Obama’s election team and media thugs made me famous for asking a simple question in 2008, I’ve had more than my share of death threats by people who are by definition at least a little crazy.  (Asking Quotes) I don’t think escaping is necessarily a problem, but we can get addicted to almost anything. If you’re craving being in this other reality and you don’t want to participate in your own reality, those are the times we have to start asking ourselves difficult questions.  (Asking Quotes) If people are asking me for clubbing tips, then they’re in real trouble. My clubbing tip is never go to a club, because they’re horrible and I hate them. I’m more of a dinner party guy.  (Asking Quotes) All my friends and peers keep asking me when I’m going to rest - I just tell them it’s another dirty four-letter word!  (Asking Quotes) I paint and I draw and I write and I do other things too, and recently some people at school were asking if I’d ever publish any of my work. But I almost feel like I would have to publish it under another name because there’s a definition of me out there that feels kind of stuck in the moment when it was formed.  (Asking Quotes) One of the reasons that metaphor and symbolism are important in books is because they are also important to life. Like, for example say you’re in high school and you’re a boy and you say to a girl: Do you like anyone right now? - that’s not the question you’re asking. The question you’re asking is, do you like me right now.  (Asking Quotes) A wife says to her husband (or vice versa), Do you love me?Of course, he replies. I’ve been married to you for twenty years, haven’t I?How satisfied would we be if we presented someone with a vintage wine and, upon asking his opinion of it, he replied, I’m drinking it, aren’t I?Love still needs expression between those who share it.  (Asking Quotes) People are always asking me where I come from, and they’re expecting me to say India, and they’re absolutely right insofar as 100 percent of my blood and ancestry does come from India. Except, I’ve never lived one day of my life there. I can’t speak even one word of its more than 22,000 dialects.  (Asking Quotes) Don’t waste time asking God to keep you from doing things. Don’t do them.  (Asking Quotes) If you ask the government to solve all of your problems, it’s a bit like asking your wife to cook and clean, to raise the children, to hold down a second job to help with the family finances, to keep her parents happy and well and keep your parents happy and well, and to also - to do the lawn and clean the gutters.  (Asking Quotes) I’m kind of feeling ashamed now that I never get bullied. Everyone keeps asking me, but I don’t, and it’s kind of annoying. I wish I could say I did get bullied, because then everyone would feel sorry for me.  (Asking Quotes) Someone was asking me what my favorite outfit is, and 100%, without a doubt in my mind, is my forever lazy.  (Asking Quotes)
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