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Assassins Quotes

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I do not like assassins, or men of low character  (Assassins Quotes) Assassins and presidents invite the same basic question: Just who do you think you are?  (Assassins Quotes) A wet boy has a deader, an assassin has a target, because assassins sometimes miss  (Assassins Quotes) How to throw assassins off balance: cry in front of them  (Assassins Quotes) Surrounded by assassins  (Assassins Quotes) Words without actions are the assassins of idealism  (Assassins Quotes) He just didn’t look like the kind of creep that would messily murder a woman in her hotel room; he looked like the kind of creep that could line her up in the sights of an assassins rifle without a shred of emotion  (Assassins Quotes) Let’s cool it brothers . . . Spoken to his assassins, three men who stabbed him 16 times  (Assassins Quotes) Both of my parents are actors and directors and whatnot. My dad loves really solid, old school, Broadway musicals, and one of them is ‘Assassins’ by Stephen Sondheim. All of the successful or non-successful assassins that have ever existed in the United States come together, and they talk about their killing or attempts through songs.  (Assassins Quotes) Although the paranoiacs make the great leaders, it’s the resenters who make their best instruments because the resenters, those men with cancer of the psyche, make the great assassins.  (Assassins Quotes) Assassins did have a certain code, after all. It was dishonorable to kill someone if you weren’t being paid.  (Assassins Quotes) Pessimism and hopelessness are two assassins that have been hired by very ourselves to kill ourselves  (Assassins Quotes) We’re in such a volatile climate right now politically. I think they didn’t want Assassins to not succeed due to popular opinion and politics, versus on its own merits. I can respect that  (Assassins Quotes) The United States of America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins. The killers will fail, and the Iraqi people will live in freedom  (Assassins Quotes) When one consorts with assassins, one must expect to dance along the edge of a knife once or twice  (Assassins Quotes) It is fairly obvious that those who are in favor of the death penalty have more affinity with assassins than those who are not  (Assassins Quotes) Over the last month I had pulled a woman from a blazing inferno. I had called fire and lighting down on assassins and escaped to safety. I had even killed something that could have been either a dragon or a demon, depending on your point of view. But there in that room was the first time I actually felt like any sort of hero. If you are looking for a reason for the man I would eventually become, if you are looking for a beginning, look there  (Assassins Quotes) No government can be long secure without a formidable opposition. It reduces their supporters to that tractable number which can be managed by the joint influences of fruition and hope. It offers vengeance to the discontented, and distinction to the ambitious; and employs the energies of aspiring spirits, who otherwise may prove traitors in a division or assassins in a debate  (Assassins Quotes) Let’s cool it brothers... Spoken to his assassins, three men who stabbed him 16 times  (Assassins Quotes) Assassins did have a certain code, after all. It was dishonorable to kill someone if you weren’t being paid  (Assassins Quotes) An absolute monarchy is one in which the sovereign does as he pleases so long as he pleases the assassins  (Assassins Quotes) Apparently it was unethical for lawyers to sleep with their clients. This from a man who offered legal representation to assassins  (Assassins Quotes) The world is going mad in mutual extermination, and murder, considered as a crime when committed individually, becomes a virtue when it is committed by large numbers. It is the multiplication of the frenzy that assures impunity to the assassins  (Assassins Quotes) To brand man with infamy, and let him free, is an absurdity that peoples our forests with assassins  (Assassins Quotes) Vigilantly guard your mind against erroneous and destructive thought as you would guard your house against burglars and assassins  (Assassins Quotes) If I die a violent death, as some fear and a few are plotting, I know that the violence will be in the thought and the action of the assassins, not in my dying  (Assassins Quotes) The rescue of a person, who is assaulted, or restrained of his liberty, without authority of law, is not only morally, but legally, a meritorious act; for every body is under obligation to go to the assistance of one who is assailed by assassins, robbers, ravishers, kidnappers, or ruffians of any kind  (Assassins Quotes)