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Assert Quotes

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But I would assert that despite the wide variety of yoga options and individual preferences, there is one universal element: the union of consciousness and movement, breath and awareness  (Assert Quotes) The time has come to underscore the fact that our and others’ rights are contingent on our willingness to assert and defend them  (Assert Quotes) Even just pestering people with questions, and being nosey and pushy and getting her way, are things I think many young women grow up struggling with, to assert themselves  (Assert Quotes) Parents who are cowed by temper tantrums and screaming defiance are only inviting more of the same. Young children become more cooperative with parents who confidently assert the reasons for their demands and enforce reasonable rules. Even if there are a few rough spots, relationships between parents and young children run more smoothly when the parent, rather than the child, is in control  (Assert Quotes) First, those who disagree with market efficiency simply assert that it stands to common sense that greater effort to get facts and greater acumen in analyzing those facts will pay off in better performance somehow measured. (By this logic, cure for cancer must have been found by 1955)  (Assert Quotes) Truth exists. The sole purpose of this proposition is to assert the existence of truth against imbeciles and sceptics.  (Assert Quotes) The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.  (Assert Quotes) Since the enactment of the War Powers Act in 1973, which I supported then and support now, Congress has been reluctant to assert its authority when presidents decide to send American soldiers into harm’s way.  (Assert Quotes) All over the world, young males and females, schooled in the art of patriarchal thinking, are building an identity on a foundation that sees the will to do violence as the essential way to assert being.  (Assert Quotes) I was in high school, and when you get to be 14, 15, you start to feel a little more like your own person so that you can assert your adulthood a little bit.  (Assert Quotes) To suppose more than one supreme Source of infinite wisdom, power, and all perfections, is to assert that there is no supreme Being in existence.  (Assert Quotes) Those thinkers who cannot believe in any gods often assert that the love of humanity would be in itself sufficient for them; and so, perhaps, it would, if they had it.  (Assert Quotes) One of the best strengtheners of character and developers of stamina ... is to assume the part you wish to play; to assert stoutly the possession of whatever you lack.  (Assert Quotes) The infallibility and inerrancy of biblical teaching does not, however, guarantee the infallibility and inerrancy of any interpretation or interpreter of that teaching; nor does the recognition of its qualities as the Word of God in any way prejudge the issue as to what Scripture does, in fact, assert. This can be determined only by careful Bible study.  (Assert Quotes) I would assert that highly effective leaders are made more than they’re born. Every leader I know who’s been highly effective has worked hard at it, and they’ve been students of it. The more you’re a student of leadership, the more you figure out what works for you and the more effective you’re going to be.  (Assert Quotes) But I would assert that despite the wide variety of yoga options and individual preferences, there is one universal element: the union of consciousness and movement, breath and awareness.  (Assert Quotes) I claim that all those who think they can cherry-pick science simply don’t understand how science works. That’s what I claim. And if they did, they’d be less prone to just assert that somehow scientists are clueless.  (Assert Quotes) And it’s one thing to give people freedom and something else to deny the rights of Christians to assert their faith in order to keep Hindus from feeling upset.  (Assert Quotes) The most extremist power any political leader can assert is the power to target his own citizens for execution without any charges or due process, far from any battlefield. The Obama administration has not only asserted exactly that power in theory, but has exercised it in practice.  (Assert Quotes) Don’t be afraid to assert yourself, have confidence in your abilities and don’t let the bastards get you down.  (Assert Quotes) To assert that it is possible to establish peace between men of different nations is simply to assert that man, whatever his ethnical background, his race, religious beliefs, or philosophy, is capable of reason.  (Assert Quotes) And the first commandment of feminism is: I am woman; thou shalt not tolerate strange gods who assert that women have capabilities or often choose roles that are different from men’s.  (Assert Quotes) Even if I knew nothing of the atoms, I would venture to assert on the evidence of the celestial phenomena themselves, supported by many other arguments, that the universe was certainly not created for us by divine power: it is so full of imperfections.  (Assert Quotes) Even if I knew nothing of the atoms, I would venture to assert on the evidence of the celestial phenomena themselves, supported by many other arguments, that the universe was certainly not created for us by divine power: it is so full of imperfectio  (Assert Quotes) It’s amazing how dumb people can impress you with how much stupider they can be when they really assert themselves.  (Assert Quotes) The most impactful way consumers can assert their power is to become mindful shoppers, giving their dollars only to socially responsible companies. In today’s world of social media and smart phones, this is easy to do.  (Assert Quotes) The awakening of the soul to its bondage and its effort to stand up and assert itself - this is called life.  (Assert Quotes) Muslims and Christians can work together to depose dictators and assert the power of the people. We’ve seen it happen on the Tahrir Square in Cairo during the 2011 revolution in Egypt, with devout Muslims and Coptic Christians protesting side by side.  (Assert Quotes) Democracy is a revelation, but it’s complicated. There are elections to hold, politics to create, rights to assert, grievances to settle and institutions to build. To many, it’s exhilarating. For others, it can be disappointing when it turns out that democracy doesn’t immediately make life better.  (Assert Quotes) It’s OK to assert yourself. Obviously, as a woman, I do experience the consequence of asserting yourself - you’re not supposed to assert yourself.  (Assert Quotes)
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