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Assets Quotes

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The positive aspect of my negative view is essentially that you shouldn’t own cash and government bonds, but you should be in assets like real estate or equities or precious metals or in commodities.  (Assets Quotes) The Great Inflation of the 1970s destroyed faith in paper assets, because if you held a bond, suddenly the bond was worth much less money than it was before.  (Assets Quotes) EBay is a great company. There are a lot of good assets and good customers, and the U.S. people love it.  (Assets Quotes) I built a massive company, a great company, some of the greatest assets anywhere in the world, worth many, many billions of dollars.  (Assets Quotes) I built a great company, one of the - some of the most iconic assets in the world, $10 billion of net worth, more than $10 billion of net worth, and frankly, I had a great time doing it.  (Assets Quotes) When the value of the company clearly has fallen below what its assets are worth, having a shareholder who says, ‘Let’s get a better board’ can be helpful.  (Assets Quotes) As a teenager, I was teased at school about my height and long legs, but now they are my best assets. Kids can be mean. When I was at school, I considered myself ugly, but that was when I was silly enough to believe that what other people thought mattered. Now I think I am pretty. I’m not beautiful. There is a difference.  (Assets Quotes)
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