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We speak about understanding each other, having those conversations nationwide - culturally, historically - and yet there’s a lot of gaps. So I want to assist with closing the gap of knowing about and hearing about our Latino communities in terms of literature, in terms of writing.  (Assist Quotes) The principles of disruptive innovation are indeed intended to be guidelines to assist managers both in introducing disruptive innovations as well as identifying disruptive developments in their market.  (Assist Quotes) Your Heavenly Father will help you find the right path as you seek His guidance. Remember though, after you pray you must get off your knees and start doing something positive; head in the right direction! He will send people along the way who will assist you, but you must be doing your part as well.  (Assist Quotes) We must prepare ourselves to assist the missionaries in finding those of our Heavenly Father’s children who will embrace the message of the Restoration.  (Assist Quotes) When we reach out to assist the least of Heavenly Father’s children, we do it unto Him. That is the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  (Assist Quotes) We stand, as it were, on the shore, and see multitudes of our fellow beings struggling in the water, stretching forth their arms, sinking, drowning, and we are powerless to assist them.  (Assist Quotes) If there be gods we cannot help them, but we can assist our fellow men. We cannot love the inconceivable, but we can love wife and child and friend.  (Assist Quotes) I am pleased to be part of Promontory’s steady efforts to assist banks and other financial firms in meeting legal and regulatory obligations and challenges.  (Assist Quotes) If you find something helpful to give you a hand, allow it to assist you, hands down!  (Assist Quotes) My job is to assist you in finding the answer that is right for you. Not the answer that would be right for me.  (Assist Quotes) Our personal stories of perseverance contain immense wisdom that can assist others in finding their way to peace and illumination during difficult times.  (Assist Quotes) It is true that writers often owe their most inspired thoughts, their most extraordinary phrases, to their generous typesetters, who assist their flights of fancy with so-called typographical errors.  (Assist Quotes) Whether in times of war or times of peace the Quaker is under peculiar obligation to assist and to forward movements and forces which make for peace in the world and which bind men together in ties of unity and fellowship.  (Assist Quotes) The essence of a general’s job is to assist in developing a clear sense of purpose to keep the junk from getting in the way of important things.  (Assist Quotes) The essence of a general’s job is to assist in developing a clear sense of purpose . to keep the junk from getting in the way of important things.  (Assist Quotes) Greater association with the Angels lifts our minds from ourselves and focuses them upon ways and means by which we too may assist in establishing God’s Plan.  (Assist Quotes) My acting is a bit like basketball. Most females in my films come off very well. I give great assist. And if I’m lucky, I even score.  (Assist Quotes)
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