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Assistants Quotes

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A good executive goes around with a worried look on his assistants  (Assistants Quotes) Use video to train assistants you’ll be surprised how quickly they learn  (Assistants Quotes) If I were a young coach today, I would be extremely careful in selecting assistants  (Assistants Quotes) Technically, I have not changed very much. Ask my assistants. They’ll tell you, I am the easiest photographer to work with. I don’t have heavy equipment. I work out of one bag.  (Assistants Quotes) But then, so far as I know, I am the only performer who ever pledged his assistants to secrecy, honor and allegiance under a notarial oath  (Assistants Quotes) When I was a kid growing up, my dad being a football coach, he asked the same question of all the assistants that he ever hired: ‘Is your goal to be a head football coach?  (Assistants Quotes) When I was a kid growing up, my dad being a football coach, he asked the same question of all the assistants that he ever hired: ‘Is your goal to be a head football coach?’  (Assistants Quotes) We know that in order for us to turn this around, it doesn’t matter how many coaches they bring in here, assistants, weight trainers, whoever, we’re the ones that are going to have turn it around. And I think just took that responsibility on ourselves.  (Assistants Quotes) It’s a big thing now: A lot of people want to be assistants to celebrities. If you’re pursuing that, you’re an idiot. You’re a moron. The shortest distance between two points is not a celebrity, or being next to a celebrity.  (Assistants Quotes) We have to be plumbers, electricians, construction engineers, or workers, on the space station, but at the same time running a laboratory, being scientists, being the best laboratory assistants we can be. It’s all in a bundle; it’s very exciting, it’s a lot of fun.  (Assistants Quotes) I take my camera to shoots and ask all the photographers and assistants to show me what to do with it.  (Assistants Quotes) I don’t like to work with assistants. I’m already one too many; the camera alone would be enough.  (Assistants Quotes) I have done all the work myself, not assistants. That’s why I’m in a wheelchair: I’ve been doing it physically - it’s hard labour - throughout my life.  (Assistants Quotes) The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are. They are frank in admitting this and are willing to pay for such talents  (Assistants Quotes) I realised I was living in my own universe with lots of assistants. I didn’t have a cell phone; I didn’t know how to use a computer. Everybody was doing everything for me. So I left and moved to New York. It was the end of an era, and I must say I found myself a bit lost. I wasn’t in the protected Mugler universe any more.  (Assistants Quotes) I’m worried he’s going to ... do something crazy. He lives in a hole in the ground, dresses funny, and occasionally eats his assistants, Eve said. Define crazy.  (Assistants Quotes) I know what it’s like and how hard my assistants work, and I try to treat them as fair as possible and make the office a fun environment.  (Assistants Quotes) It’s very rare that I get really upset about something my assistants have done  (Assistants Quotes) For me probably the best moment is before I get started in the morning. I get up and I ride my bike before I come into the studio, so there’s a lot of peace and quiet right before the day starts and my assistants get here.  (Assistants Quotes) I want to keep my clients happy, and the pressure’s on me as the boss to manage my three assistants and make sure that everything is getting done. There’s less time for tears and more time for bossing people around.  (Assistants Quotes) It’s a hard thing for me to wrap my mind around the C word: celebrity. Rock stars are celebrities because they’re larger than life. As an actor, you have to play the everyman and the everygirl. If you start treating people in the real world like assistants, that’s not a good look. But my friends keep me grounded.  (Assistants Quotes) My ideas for the next collection always happen a couple of months before the show. I have learned to shut up and not bother my assistants with it  (Assistants Quotes) I don’t have any assistants, I do it all myself, I don’t have any secretaries  (Assistants Quotes) I don’t like to work with assistants. I’m already one too many; the camera alone would be enough  (Assistants Quotes) We know that in order for us to turn this around, it doesn’t matter how many coaches they bring in here, assistants, weight trainers, whoever, we’re the ones that are going to have turn it around. And I think just took that responsibility on ourselves  (Assistants Quotes) If you take a bunch of superstars and put them in a room where they don’t have their assistants and entourage, it’s funny to see what happens  (Assistants Quotes) Technically, I have not changed very much. Ask my assistants. They’ll tell you, I am the easiest photographer to work with. I don’t have heavy equipment. I work out of one bag  (Assistants Quotes) I don’t live lavishly, so it’s not like I have 20 assistants and travel privately and shop every day  (Assistants Quotes) What was I thinking? Of all the assistants I could have wound up with, why did I have to choose the one with the scary mother and troublemaking in his bloodlines? I am doomed  (Assistants Quotes) I don’t drive, so one of my assistants drives me to my writing room, and I have a calendar on the wall telling me how much time I have left, and how far behind I am. I look at it and panic, and decide which scene to work on. And you sit there plonking notes until something makes sense, and you don’t think about it any more. Good tunes come when you’re not thinking about it  (Assistants Quotes)
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