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From the very beginning, our state and national constitutions and laws have laid great emphasis on procedural and substantive safeguards designed to assure fair trials before impartial tribunals in which every defendant stands equal before the law. This noble ideal cannot be realized if the poor man charged with crime has to face his accusers without a lawyer to assist him  (Assure Quotes) The best part of every author is in general to be found in his book, I assure you  (Assure Quotes) There are innumerable instances suggesting that modern intellectuals do not believe themselves, that they don’t really believe what they say, that they say certain things only in order to assure themselves that they possess opinions and ideas that are different from those that are entertained by the common herd of men  (Assure Quotes) Anxiety is essential to the human condition. The confrontation with anxiety can relieve us from boredom, sharpen the sensitivity and assure the presence of tension that is necessary to preserve human existence  (Assure Quotes) The ignorant frighten children with ghosts, and the better educated assure them there is no such thing. Our understanding may believe the latter, but our instincts believe the former; so that, out of this education, we retain the terror, and just believe enough to make it very troublesome whenever we are placed in circumstances that awaken it  (Assure Quotes) It is far more difficult, I assure you, to live for the truth than to die for it  (Assure Quotes) It is not the present which unfluences the future, thou fool, but the future which forms the present. You have it all backward. Since the future is set, an unfolding of events which will assure that future is fixed and inevitable  (Assure Quotes) It’s never pleasant to have one’s unquestioning beliefs put in their historical context, as I know from experience, I can assure you  (Assure Quotes) Madness is terrific I can assure you, and not to be sniffed at; and in its lava I still find most of the things I write about. It shoots out of one everything shaped, final, not in mere driblets, as sanity does  (Assure Quotes) I assure you that even the most beautiful women are not pretty all over. They have merely learned to use clothes deftly enough to giveothers the impression that they are  (Assure Quotes) The object of man’s desire is not to enjoy once only, and for one instant of time; but to assure for ever, the way of his future desires  (Assure Quotes) The essence of leisure is not to assure that we may function smoothly but rather to assure that we, embedded in our social function, are enabled to remain fully human  (Assure Quotes) Libya is a good example of a country that has come to a realization that weapons of mass destruction threaten more than assure, and I hope that will be followed by others  (Assure Quotes) Howbeit, this one thing, son, I assure you on my faith, that if the parties will at hands call for justice, then, all were it my father stood on the one side, and the devil on the other, his cause being good, the devil should have right  (Assure Quotes) The main reason people fail is they become attached to others who hold them back. Letting go of others and going forward may seem like a lonely and impossible task, but I assure you it is not  (Assure Quotes) It must become a right of every person to die of old age. And if we secure this right for ourselves, we can, coincidentally, assure it for the planet  (Assure Quotes) What is a woman? I assure you, I do not know... I do not believe that anybody can know until she has expressed herself in all the arts and professions open to human skill  (Assure Quotes) Art is not cozy and it is not mocked. Art tells the only truth that ultimately matters. It is the light by which human things can be mended. And after art there is, let me assure you all, nothing  (Assure Quotes) Don’t be angry with the gentleman for thinking, whatever be the cause, for I assure you he makes no common practice of offending in that way  (Assure Quotes) I think there’s a real tension between capitalism and morality. That’s not to say these systems aren’t powerful and useful, but to assume that capitalism can somehow assure moral behavior or character, that’s just a pipe dream  (Assure Quotes) Great men show politeness in a particular way; a smile suffices to assure you that you are welcome, and keep about their avocations as if you were a member of the family  (Assure Quotes) Allow me to assure you, that suspicion and jealousy never did help any man in any situation  (Assure Quotes) The fantastical idea of virtue and the public good being a sufficient security to the state against the commission of crimes, which you say you have heard insisted on by some, I assure you was never mine  (Assure Quotes) Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights  (Assure Quotes) Institutions which have too much security... tend to become bureaucratic. They add layers of people and layers of rules in order to assure the security of not making mistakes  (Assure Quotes) A man is very revealed by his wife, just as a woman is revealed by her husband. People never marry beneath or above themselves, I assure you  (Assure Quotes) For heaven’s sake, this is 2015. I’ve run the largest technology company in the world. Let me assure you we know how to build an employer verification system that would work. We can solve this. We just need to do it  (Assure Quotes) This moment in time, on this tour, you know, I’m discovering a lot of new things. And to be 45 and doing that, it’s a mixture of pleasure and pain, I can assure you  (Assure Quotes) We are persons of quality, I assure you, and women of fashion, and come to see and to be seen  (Assure Quotes) I who have been involved with all styles of painting can assure you that the only things that fluctuate are the waves of fashion which carry the snobs and speculators; the number of true connoisseurs remains more or less the same  (Assure Quotes)
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