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Astonishment Quotes

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I have a professional acquaintance whose recent eyelid job has left her with a permanent expression of such poleaxed astonishment that she looks at all times as if she had just read one of my books  (Astonishment Quotes) In alarming proportions the following words have disappeared from architectural publications: beauty, inspiration, magic, sorcery, enchantment, and also serenity, mystery, silence, privacy, astonishment. All of these have found a loving home in my soul  (Astonishment Quotes) How many men are like trees, already strong and full grown, which are transplanted into some gardens, to the astonishment of those people who behold them in these fine spots, where they never saw them grow, and who neither know their beginning nor their progress!  (Astonishment Quotes) Good science and good art are always about a condition of awe... I don’t think there is any other function for the poet or the scientist in the human tribe but the astonishment of the soul  (Astonishment Quotes) Central to everything I am and believe and have written is my astonishment, naive as it seems to people, that you can use human speech both to bless, to love, to build, to forgive and also to torture, to hate, to destroy and to annihilate  (Astonishment Quotes) People who relate what they believe to be new and startling information like to have such information received with exclamations of astonishment and admiration  (Astonishment Quotes) The habits of craft, developed day in and day out over a working lifetime, create moments of astonishment, sublime and magical effects, precisely because the writer is not thinking overtly about making art  (Astonishment Quotes) Almost one half of our time is spent in telling and hearing evil of one another... and every hour brings forth something strange and terrible to fill up our discourse and our astonishment  (Astonishment Quotes) We are survival machines – robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment  (Astonishment Quotes) He thought with a kind of astonishment of the biological uselessness of pain and fear, the treachery of the human body which always freezes into inertia at exactly the moment when a special effort is needed  (Astonishment Quotes) For men, I think, love is a thing formed of equal parts lust and astonishment. The astonishment part women understand. The lust part they only think they understand  (Astonishment Quotes)
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