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Astute Quotes

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Allow me to congratulate you on your very astute powers of observation  (Astute Quotes) I respect the astute and rigorously unsentimental David Horowitz as one of America's most original and courageous political analysts. He has the true 1960s spirit - audacious and irreverent, yet passionately engaged and committed to social change  (Astute Quotes) Well, I don’t know how astute I am, but I did want to be a journalist when I was growing up  (Astute Quotes) Our effectiveness depends on our capacity to be audacious and astute, clear and appealing. I would hope that we can create a language more fearless and beautiful than that used by conformist writers to greet the twilight  (Astute Quotes) I am humble enough to recognize that I have made mistakes, but politically astute enough to know that I have forgotten what they are  (Astute Quotes) One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute  (Astute Quotes) The teaching of the church, theoretically astute, is a lie in practice and a compound of vulgar superstitions and sorcery  (Astute Quotes) He is not mad in the least. He’s a very astute person, a clever person  (Astute Quotes) To make astute people believe one is what one is not is, in most cases, harder than actually to become what one wishes to appear  (Astute Quotes) We are quite convinced that if he were alive today, as an astute businessman looking out to the future, he would be moving out of fossil fuels and investing in clean, renewable energy  (Astute Quotes) People who think about time travel stories sometimes think that going back in time would be fun because you would have all the information you needed to be much more astute than the people there, when the truth is of course you wouldn’t.  (Astute Quotes) We are quite convinced that if he were alive today, as an astute businessman looking out to the future, he would be moving out of fossil fuels and investing in clean, renewable energy.  (Astute Quotes)