At One Quotes

Text Quotes
The truth is that one is more frequently blessed with ideas while working (At One Quotes)
I always say that one’s poetry is a solace to oneself and a nuisance to one’s friends (At One Quotes)
... one pets what one degrades; and one has to support what one has enfeebled (At One Quotes)
One of the blessings of adulthood is that one is no longer addressed as a thing (At One Quotes)
When you love someone, and you’ve lost that one, then nothing really matters (At One Quotes)
However great one’s gift of language may be, there is always something that one cannot tell (At One Quotes)
Anxiety is the fear that one of a pair of opposites might cancel the other. Forever (At One Quotes)
There is nothing sorer to the spirit than falling below what one’s lover thinks of one (At One Quotes)
I believe that there is a future in anything that one is vitally interested in (At One Quotes)
Children want one thing at a time, and want that one thing passionately (At One Quotes)
What one person might see as violent, someone else may see as beautiful. Maybe even art (At One Quotes)
It doesn’t so much matter what one loves. To love is the transfiguring thing (At One Quotes)
Shall I tell you what knowledge is? It is to know both what one knows and what one does not know (At One Quotes)
Naturally, everything depends on one’s background books and on what one is looking for (At One Quotes)
It is necessary that one be a light to oneself in a world that is becoming utterly dark (At One Quotes)
Everybody had something horrible happen to them at one time or another in their life (At One Quotes)
I feel that one species, mankind, doesn’t have the right to exterminate (At One Quotes)
I hate leaving places I love I was never at one place long. am I selfish? (At One Quotes)
What one really wants is attracted by one, and one is attracted by what one wants (At One Quotes)
If you are to accomplish all that one demands of you, you must overestimate your own worth (At One Quotes)
Give peace a chance and let’s hope that one day we will all live in peace (At One Quotes)
So what is discord at one level of your being is harmony at another level (At One Quotes)
The struggle of what one likes and what one dislikes is the disease of the mind (At One Quotes)
If I ever see more clearly at one time than at another, the medium through which I see is clearer (At One Quotes)
When the reptile is attacked at one mouth of his burrow, he shows himself at another (At One Quotes)
The golden rule is to act fearlessly upon what one believes to be right (At One Quotes)
The real wonder is not that one man should be a genius, but that every man should not be (At One Quotes)
Nothing hurts more than the friendly letter that one never got around to writing (At One Quotes)
One’s past is what one is. It is the only way by which people should be judged (At One Quotes)
Fashion is what one wears oneself. What is unfashionable is what other people wear (At One Quotes)