At One Quotes

Text Quotes
The essence of oppression is that one is defined from the outside by those who define themselves as superior by criteria of their own choice (At One Quotes)
One builds one's life in consistency; one invests it with the belief, however unsupported by reality, that one has always been what one is now, that even in one's distant past one could recognize the seed from which this doomed flower has bloomed (At One Quotes)
The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility, you are not attractive - you are leaking (At One Quotes)
Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the "Me" for "We" (At One Quotes)
Breathing heavily, Major-General Gudz was making his way towards Mostovskoy. He shuffled along, wheezing and sticking out his lower lip; folds of loose skin rippled over his cheeks and neck. At one time he had been impressively stout, and these sounds and movements were all that remained; now they seemed quite bizarre (At One Quotes)
It was quite wrong of me Had I heard what I thought I'd heard or were my ears playing hob with me It was more likely that the sun and the moon should suddenly dance a jolly jig in the heavens than that one of my sisters should apologize. It was simply unheard of (At One Quotes)
I remembered father remarking once that if rudeness was not attributable to ignorance it could be taken as a sure sign that one was speaking to a member of the aristocracy (At One Quotes)
Unjust Cause: This art is worth more than ten thousand staters, that one should choose the worse cause, and nevertheless be victorious (At One Quotes)
At one point, she'd wanted to hurl the whole breakfast at the wall. And then she'd remember why it was that men had temper tantrums and women didn't: cleanup (At One Quotes)
What evidence could possibly be put forward to show that one could have acted differently in the past? (At One Quotes)
What one thing could you do in your personal and professional life that, if you did it on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your life? (At One Quotes)
Mother, who has an absolute belief that it is not the cards that one is dealt in life, it is how one plays them, is, by far, the highest card I was dealt (At One Quotes)
One is what one is, and the dishonesty of hiding behind a degree, or a title, or any manner and collection of words, is still exactly that: dishonest (At One Quotes)
I did not stop to think that one wave is inevitably followed by another even larger and more powerful, when the tide is coming in (At One Quotes)
Staunch and faithful lovers that they are, they give back a hundred fold every sign of love that one ever gives them (At One Quotes)
A man doesn't know till he tries it how killing uncongenial work is, and how it destroys the power of doing what one's fit for, even if there's time for both (At One Quotes)
At one point during the Holmes investigation Chicago's chief of police told a Tribune reporter he'd just as soon have a squad of reporters under his command as detectives (At One Quotes)
What one does in one's art, that is the breath of one's being. What one does in one's life, that is a bagatelle for the outsiders to fuss about (At One Quotes)
No theory is good unless it permits, not rest, but the greatest work. No theory is good except on condition that one use it to go on beyond (At One Quotes)
In order to judge properly, one must get away somewhat from what one is judging, after having loved it. This is true of countries, of persons, and of oneself (At One Quotes)
When one is grown up, money is lying about at one's service. It is only when one is young that it is rare. Take no thought for money - that always lies to hand (At One Quotes)
If one could recover the uncompromising spirit of one's youth, one's greatest indignation would be for what one has become (At One Quotes)
Most often it happens that one attributes to others only the feelings of which one is capable oneself (At One Quotes)
What liars poets and everybody were! They made one think one wanted sentiment. When what one supremely wanted was this piercing, consuming, rather awful sensuality (At One Quotes)
Then you think that one can keep a hopeless love in one's heart for so long as that?... And that life can breathe upon it every day, without extinguishing it? (At One Quotes)
A fretful temper will divide the closest knot that may be tied, by ceaseless sharp corrosion; a temper passionate and fierce may suddenly your joys disperse at one immense explosion (At One Quotes)
These are the advantages of travel, that one meets so many men whom one would otherwise never meet, and that one feeds as it were upon the complexity of mankind (At One Quotes)
No man ever achieved worth while success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure (At One Quotes)
There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it (At One Quotes)
At one time if you were a black writer you had to be one of the best writers in the world to be published. You had to be great. Now you can be good. Mediocre. and that's good (At One Quotes)