At One Quotes

Text Quotes
In fact, the proposition that man's species nature is estranged from him means that one man is estranged from the other, as each of them is from man's essential nature (At One Quotes)
Self contempt is a serpent that ever gnaws at one's breath, sucking the life blood from one's own heart and mixing it with the poison of misanthropy and despair (At One Quotes)
It is only with the heart that one can see clearly, for the most essential things are invisible to the eye (At One Quotes)
The very condition of woman is so subject to hazard, so complex, and so grievous, that to place her at one moment is but to displace her at the next (At One Quotes)
Nothing is harder to direct than a man in prosperity; nothing more easily managed that one is adversity (At One Quotes)
Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one's bath like a lump of sugar (At One Quotes)
I find you write with one person in mind. Usually for me that one person is my wife, because she's my most severe critic and understands best what I'm trying to do (At One Quotes)
In art intentions are not sufficient and, as we say in Spanish, love must be proved by deeds and not by reasons. What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing (At One Quotes)
As my mom has said, when one person is unhappy, it usually means two people are unhappy but that one has not come to terms with it (At One Quotes)
theoretical considerations require that what is today the object of a phobia must at one time in the past have been the source of a high degree of pleasure (At One Quotes)
It is not faith per se that creates the problem; it is conviction, the notion that one cannot be wrong, that opposing views are necessarily invalid and may even be intolerable (At One Quotes)
I never yet feared those men who set a place apart in the middle of their cities where they gather to cheat one another and swear oaths which they break (At One Quotes)
This demonstrated to me that those who regard universal suffrage as a guarantee for good choices are under a complete illusion. Universal suffrage has other advantages, but not that one (At One Quotes)
Speak with contempt of no man. Every one hath a tender sense of reputation. And every man hath a sting, which he may, if provoked too far, dart out at one time or other (At One Quotes)
A small sorrow distracts, a great one makes us collected; as a bell loses its clear tone when slightly cracked, and recovers it if the fissure is enlarged (At One Quotes)
Universal love is a glove without fingers, which fits all bands alike, and none closely; but true affection is like a glove with fingers, which fits one hand only, and sits close to that one (At One Quotes)
The nearer any disease approaches to a crisis, the nearer it is to a cure. Danger and deliverance make their advances together; and it is only in the last push that one or the other takes the lead (At One Quotes)
What one generation finds ridiculous, the next accepts; and the third shudders when it looks back on what the first did (At One Quotes)
There is a justice, but we do not always see it. Discreet, smiling, it is there, at one side, a little behind injustice, which makes a big noise (At One Quotes)
Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas (At One Quotes)
One has to bear in mind that one of the tactics of revolution is to destroy one's predecessors in authority at any cost or hazard (At One Quotes)
Read deeply, not to believe, not to accept, not to contradict, but to learn to share in that one nature that writes and reads (At One Quotes)
I think everyone should treat one another in a Christian manner. I will not, however, be responsible for the consequences (At One Quotes)
The supposition that one sex needs the other's acquiescence in order to exist prevents both from moving together as self-defined persons toward a common goal (At One Quotes)
You write a story about loneliness, and you grab them all because everybody's an expert on that one (At One Quotes)
Sometimes I used to think that one day I should wake up, and all that had been would be over. forgotten, sunk, drowned. Nothing was sure - not even memory (At One Quotes)
Little men build up great ones, but the snow colossus soon melts; the good stand under the eye of God, and therefore stand (At One Quotes)
Happy was she who could believe without seeing, who was at one with the duration and continuity of life (At One Quotes)
I think that a fierce woman's better, a woman that breaks away when you have thought her won, for I'd be fed and hungry at one time (At One Quotes)
It is so many years before one can believe enough in what one feels even to know what the feeling is (At One Quotes)