At One Quotes

Text Quotes
Cocktail parties... are usually not parties at all but mass ceremonials designed to clear up at one great stroke a wealth of obligations (At One Quotes)
There is only one sex. A man and a woman are so entirely the same thing that one can scarcely understand the subtle reasons for sex distinctions with which our minds are filled (At One Quotes)
Dogma and shrinking from the external world are at one limit of the range of belief. At the other are science and poetry and, indeed, reality (At One Quotes)
Even if I do not see the fruits, the struggle has been worthwhile. If my life has taught me anything, it is that one must fight (At One Quotes)
One keeps one’s friends better when one is alone. The corollary to this is that one loses one’s friends, slowly, when one sees them too often or when they visit for too long a time (At One Quotes)
The fact that beauty is at one and the same time without cost and above price, robs it of the curse of possessiveness (At One Quotes)
For years I stopped reading beauty magazines because I couldn’t look at one without wanting to blow my brains out. How can those women look so good? (At One Quotes)
It is rather depressing to think that one will still be oneself when one is dead, but I dare say one won’t be so critical then (At One Quotes)
Probably no one alive hasn’t at one time or another brooded over the possibility of going back to an earlier, ideal age in his existence and living a different kind of life (At One Quotes)
Over half the world menstruates at one time or another, but you’d never know it. Isn’t that strange? (At One Quotes)
It’s not that you aren’t likable. On the contrary. You are. It’s just that one wonders if you haven’t made a career out of being so likable (At One Quotes)
When riches begin to come they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years (At One Quotes)
It was pleasant to talk shop again; to use that elliptical, allusive speech that one uses only with another of one’s trade (At One Quotes)
We can search for and attain to only one being, that one which was given us, which is within us and which awaits its birth from ourselves. Each day I feel that I leave myself a little more, the better to go toward my encounter with myself (At One Quotes)
It is my belief that one should learn patience in a foreign land, for I take it that this is the true measure of travel. If one does not suffer some frustration of the ordinary reflexes, how can one be sure one is really traveling? (At One Quotes)
I do not think that one is likely to write a good biography unless one feels some sympathy with its subject (At One Quotes)
For the true bookworm it is sometimes hard to distinguish between what one has experienced and what one has read. We know that this is odd and even a little demented. But there it is. We are uneasy in a void with no book (At One Quotes)
The desert breeds reserve. It is so big that one’s own plans and projects seem too little to be talked about. Also, there is so much time to say anything that one continually puts it off and ends by never saying it at all (At One Quotes)
I am dissatisfied with everything I have ever written and regard it all only as a preparation for that one work which probably I don’t have it in me to write but which I hope I can go on trying for (At One Quotes)
To have arrived at the truth means that one no longer fears death. For death and truth are similar in that they both require a great courage if one wishes to face them (At One Quotes)
What one person can do is to plant the seeds of love and outrage in the hearts of a movement. And if those hearts are fertile ground, those seeds of love and outrage will grow into a revolution (At One Quotes)
What one person sees as degrading and disgusting and bad for women might make some women feel empowered and beautiful and strong (At One Quotes)
They say the first sentence in any speech is always the hardest. Well, that one’s behind me, anyway (At One Quotes)
I’ve always felt that one of the mistakes people make is that they try to do something that is just slightly beyond their skill set, and then feel they’ve failed (At One Quotes)
Having been married so many times, I know that one of the few things I am an expert in is falling in love (At One Quotes)
I am an artist and a writer, and I do think that one always places oneself in the picture to see where one fits (At One Quotes)
Some authorities believe that one prosperous thought is more powerful than a thousand failure thoughts; and that two prosperous attitudes steadily held and expressed are more powerful than ten thousand failure attitudes! (At One Quotes)
There is one thing new in sexual mores and that is today’s bisexual chic.... if you can’t truthfully claim to be bisexual yourself, the next best thing is to reveal that one, or both, of your parents was (At One Quotes)
What does it profit you that all the libraries of the world should be yours? Not knowledge but what one does with knowledge is your profit (At One Quotes)
The march of good fortune has backward slips: to retreat one or two paces gives wings to the jumper (At One Quotes)