At One Quotes

Text Quotes
It is a happy thing that there is no royal road to poetry. The world should know by this time that one cannot reach Parnassus except by flying thither (At One Quotes)
It’s too bad that one has to conceive of sports as being the only arena where risks are, [for] all of life is risk exercise. That’s the only way to live more freely, and more interestingly (At One Quotes)
Maturity - among other things, the unclouded happiness of the child at play, who takes it for granted that he is at one with his play-mates (At One Quotes)
Now all the knowledge and wisdom that is in creatures, whether angels or men, is nothing else but a participation of that one eternal, immutable and increased wisdom of God (At One Quotes)
Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act (At One Quotes)
One is still what one is going to cease to be and already what one is going to become. One lives one’s death, one dies one’s life (At One Quotes)
Religion promotes the divine discontent within oneself, so that one tries to make oneself a better person and draw oneself closer to God (At One Quotes)
That’s one of the great things about poetry; one realises that one does one’s little turn - that you’re just part of the great crop, as it were (At One Quotes)
Though I was excited about the Sojourner Truth play, it was not reassuring to think that my entire future might depend on the success of that one show (At One Quotes)
You know you’re getting old when you get that one candle on the cake. It’s like, ‘See if you can blow this out.’ (At One Quotes)
Paul the apostle recounted that Jesus appeared to more than 500 of His followers at one time, the majority of whom were still alive and who could confirm what Paul wrote (At One Quotes)
And it was from Boston that one in every six American families began their journey into the land of the free (At One Quotes)
In the United States I have always believed that there was a big difference between Conservative and stupid. Boy is it getting harder to prove that one by the minute (At One Quotes)
It never entered my father’s mind nor my mind ever to do a job othe than at one’s best ability (At One Quotes)
I loved getting tutored and having that one-on-one attention that you sometimes do not get in regular school (At One Quotes)
I suppose for whatever reason I actively welcome being put down, something which perhaps goes back to my upbringing - that accusation of not being worthy which could be laid at one’s door (At One Quotes)
One of my most laughable moments was when we visited the monkeys in Ubud - they really seemed to like me and at one point, I had three males on my head and shoulders (At One Quotes)
At one time I smoked, but in 1959 I couldn’t think of anything else to give up for Lent so I stopped - and I haven’t had a cigarette since (At One Quotes)
If the year 2000 can help us move into the future, that’s fine, but I am afraid that people see it as a full stop and that one can take a big breath afterwards - you can’t (At One Quotes)
When one has finished building one’s house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way - before one began (At One Quotes)
We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another - until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices (At One Quotes)
One can not be an American by going about saying that one is an American. It is necessary to feel America, like America, love America and then work (At One Quotes)
We have all, at one time or another, been performers, and many of us still are - politicians, playboys, cardinals and kings (At One Quotes)
The military’s own report says that one - third of deaths and casualties could have been avoided if proper body armor and vehicle armor had been provided from the start of the war (At One Quotes)
I always thought that Elvis could have been a great actor, and that he was put in a lot of unimportant movies when he could have done a lot of great ones (At One Quotes)
I’ve been on jobs where there’s that one actor who is just a miserable, miserable no - good, dirty bastard, and it just turns the whole process sour (At One Quotes)
Love grows. Lust wastes by Enjoyment, and the Reason is, that one springs from an Union of Souls, and the other from an Union of Sense (At One Quotes)
To feel today what one felt yesterday isn’t to feel - it’s to remember today what was felt yesterday, to be today’s living corpse of what yesterday was lived and lost (At One Quotes)
My mother had to explain that one couldn’t compose a Liszt rhapsody because it was a piece of music that Liszt himself had composed (At One Quotes)
One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice-president, and that one word is ‘to be prepared’ (At One Quotes)