At One Quotes

Text Quotes
What five books would I like to be remembered for? Well... Tau Zero, I like that one especially. It was somewhat of a tour de force, and I think it got across what I was trying for (At One Quotes)
They say the first World Series is the one you remember most. No, no no. I guarantee you don’t remember that one because the fantasy world you always dreamed about is suddenly real (At One Quotes)
And God knows I needed to be forgiven. So I had to forgive everybody. And then God - as I read in the word, you’re supposed to pray for your enemies. Try that one on (At One Quotes)
If you compare NASA’s annual budget to explore the heavens, that one year budget would fund NOAA’s budget to explore the oceans for 1,600 years (At One Quotes)
But my middle daughter, Kate, is very involved in martial arts, and I was just at one of her competitions (At One Quotes)
We appropriately compared the lifestyle to that of drug addiction and alcoholism - lifestyles that one would be encouraged to seek help to leave - never encouraged to stay in (At One Quotes)
At one point people in al Qaeda were actually drawing monthly paychecks when they were based in Sudan (At One Quotes)
I made so many films which were more important, but the only one people ever want to talk about is that one with Bogart (At One Quotes)
She said, and I’m not kidding, ‘Is this a speaking role?’ I wasn’t quite sure how to answer that one (At One Quotes)
One of the things that goes with getting older is that one becomes more conservative - and I emphasise that when I use the word conservative I do not mean politically (At One Quotes)
I was close to John simply because I liked him as a person. He liked me as a person. We spent a lot of times at one another’s houses back in Liverpool. We spent a lot of time together in Germany (At One Quotes)
I would say that one of the things that we are proud of is that we are attracting very interesting guest stars. One is Tyne Daly, who has done a wonderful job (At One Quotes)
We have to make it clear that one, two or even three BNP MEPs elected to Brussels will have very little effect on the workings of the Parliament and the Commission (At One Quotes)
I pointed out on the floor last year, after Hurricane Katrina, we were very proud that one of our National Guard engineering battalions was called to Louisiana. And they did a magnificent job (At One Quotes)
Bobby and I have been to various reunions of Our Gang. We’ve been to like three or four reunions over the past 15 years or so. We were at one in Palm Springs, california (At One Quotes)
The one that was most fun was That’s My Bush; the part that I did for Comedy Central. That was a hoot. That was more fun that one should be allowed to have (At One Quotes)
The one we keep pitching and there are no takers is The Fabulous Baker Boys Go To Hawaii. There don’t seem to be any takers on that one! (At One Quotes)
I think I’ve probably re-invented myself three or four times now, if that’s what one calls it (At One Quotes)
There’s a bit of debate about that; some say it was really Matthew, but the popular consensus is that Mark was the first one, so that’s why I did that one first. and I was planning on doing all four (At One Quotes)
We’ve all known a John Tucker. We’ve either known one, dated one or our best friend has dated one. I think a lot of men at one point or another have been a John Tucker (At One Quotes)
So Europe’s a big driver. And at one point, if the euro hadn’t devalued, they would have been making as much money as the US with half the stores. Returns were higher (At One Quotes)
Critics called me ‘egregious’ - I had to look that one up - and ‘creepy’, but now I don’t read them, I weigh them (At One Quotes)
At one point, people thought that Eddie Murphy would only reach one sector of the audience, but now everyone sees everything Eddie Murphy does (At One Quotes)
I believe it has been said that one copy of The Times contains more useful information than the whole of the historical works of Thucydides (At One Quotes)
I think that one of the strengths of Cop Shoot Cop lay in the different, and at times, clashing personalities, ideally, I want to have both ways of working in my life (At One Quotes)
I’m a recognizable person and some people feel the need for some reason to take me to task. You’re really messing with the wrong person on that one (At One Quotes)
I don’t really think about the audience much. I think of myself. Let me dig myself out of that one (At One Quotes)
In these flashes of insight, I understand for a moment that one of the great dividends of darkness is an increased sensitivity to the light (At One Quotes)
I have always been convinced that one can be more successful in business with honest, fair and legal behavior than with tricks (At One Quotes)
Injustice is not evil in itself, but only in the fear and apprehension that one will not escape those who have been set up to punish the offense (At One Quotes)