At Some Point Quotes

Text Quotes
At some point in the last 20 years, the left moved to the center, and the right moved into a mental institution (At Some Point Quotes)
We all, at some point, grow old and acquire other qualities, and these can always be turned to good advantage (At Some Point Quotes)
At some point, we realize that what we do for ourselves benefits others, and what we do for others benefits us (At Some Point Quotes)
At some point you must decide if you want to succeed or just be someone who was never to blame for anything going wrong (At Some Point Quotes)
My whole life was writing, recording and touring over and over again. At some point I realised I wasn’t enjoying myself any more (At Some Point Quotes)
Whatever your religious persuasion, if you believe that that the universe is governed by benign forces, at some point you have to explain why there is so much suffering, misfortune and misery in the world (At Some Point Quotes)
Consider a man riding a bicycle. Whoever he is, we can say three things about him. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. Most important of all, we know that if at any point between the beginning and the end of his journey he stops moving and does not get off the bicycle he will fall off it. That is a metaphor for the journey through life of any living thing, and I think of any society of living things (At Some Point Quotes)
At some point in my life I’d honestly hoped love would rescue me from the cold, drafty castle I lived in. But at another point, much earlier I think, I’d quietly begun to hope for nothing at all in the way of love, so as not to be disappointed. It works. It gets to be a habit (At Some Point Quotes)
For example, the wind has its reasons. We just don’t notice as we go about our lives. But then, at some point, we are made to notice. The wind envelops you with a certain purpose in mind, and it rocks you. The wind knows everything that’s inside you. And not just the wind. Everything, including a stone. They all know us very well. From top to bottom. It only occurs to us at certain times. And all we can do is go with those things. As we take them in, we survive, and deepen (At Some Point Quotes)
I could introduce myself properly, but it’s not really necessary. You will know me well enough and soon enough, depending on a diverse range of variables. It suffices to say that at some point in time, I will be standing over you, as genially as possible. Your soul will be in my arms. A color will be perched on my shoulder. I will carry you gently away (At Some Point Quotes)
I have frequently detected myself in such kind of mistakes... in a total misapprehension of character at some point or other: fancying people so much more gay or grave, or ingenious or stupid than they really are, and I can hardly tell why, or in what the deception originated. Sometimes one is guided by what other people say of them, without giving oneself time to deliberate and judge (At Some Point Quotes)
You have had many and great sadnesses, which passed. And you say that even this passing was hard for you and put you out of sorts. But, please, consider whether these great sadnesses have not rather gone right through the center of yourself? Whether much in you has not altered, whether you have not somewhere, at some point of your being, undergone a change when you were sad? (At Some Point Quotes)
What he’d never understood about men in his position, in all the books he’d read and movies he’d seen about them, was clearer to him now: you couldn’t keep expecting wholehearted love without, at some point, requiting it. There was no credit to be earned for simply being good (At Some Point Quotes)
It’s strange how the human mind swings back and forth, from one extreme to another. Does truth lie at some point of the pendulum’s swing, at a point where it never rests, not in the dull perpendicular mean where it dangles in the end like a windless flag, but at an angle, nearer one extreme than another? If only a miracle could stop the pendulum at an angle of sixty degrees, one would believe the truth was there (At Some Point Quotes)
Although I usually think I know what I’m going to be writing about, what I’m going to say, most of the time it doesn’t happen that way at all. At some point I get misled down a garden path, I get surprised by an idea that I hadn’t anticipated getting, which is a little bit like being in a laboratory (At Some Point Quotes)
As an artist, you are always striving toward an ultimate achievement but never seem to reach it. You shoot a film, and the result could have always been better. You try again, and fail once more. In some ways I find it enjoyable. You never lose sight of your goal. I don’t do my job to make money or to break box office records, I simply try things out. What would happen if I were to achieve perfection at some point? What would I do then? (At Some Point Quotes)
Stay close to those who are not afraid to be vulnerable, because they have confidence in themselves and know that, at some point in our lives, we all stumble; they do not interpret this as a sign of weakness, but of humanity. Avoid those who talk a great deal before acting, those who never take a step without being quite sure that it will bring them respect (At Some Point Quotes)
I have been heartbroken once and it has affected all my relationships from there on. But now I look at it as a occupational hazard. If you are in the meat market at some point you are gonna get mad cows disease (At Some Point Quotes)
I’m not prejudiced about what type of movies I’m in, what form they take or whether they’re studio or independent. I just want to make films that are going to be good. The main reason is not to make money, although at some points it’s really difficult when you’re broke (At Some Point Quotes)
We are comfortable with the fact that we cannot know personally what happened in the world before we were born, yet we are uncomfortable with the notion that we will stop engaging with time at some point in the future (At Some Point Quotes)
It’s not so much that I got that idea at some point, it came up naturally because of the improvisational nature of the story I was telling (At Some Point Quotes)
I thought my character definitely was very much in love with him and wanted to be with him, but I think at some point they were going to have to draw the line (At Some Point Quotes)
We try and stay out of the corporate side of it. The band has never compromised. At some point in our career we could have made a certain type of record and sold millions of units, as they are called (At Some Point Quotes)
You develop a third eye where you kind of know where they are in a room at all times but no matter how vigilant you are as a parent, at some point, you’ll look around a room and can’t find them and there’s a searing pain that goes through your body (At Some Point Quotes)
The journey of life is like a man riding a bicycle. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. We know that if he stops moving and does not get off he will fall off (At Some Point Quotes)
I think if you want to make art, at some point you have to suspend judgment, and you have to involve youself with play and not worry about the outcome (At Some Point Quotes)
I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, if this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is (At Some Point Quotes)
There are a lot of issues that I hope we deal with at some point that we haven’t up to now, for various reasons. Some technical, and some more political (At Some Point Quotes)
At this moment, God is watching your life and at some point in this trial, he will say enough. You don’t need to falter (At Some Point Quotes)
In a way, this diversity is very exciting, but one has at some point to ask: are these real beginnings, or so many false starts? (At Some Point Quotes)