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I haven’t had this much fun since the rats ate my baby sister  (Ate Quotes) Don’t swear off all the fruits just because you ate one bad apple  (Ate Quotes) It was my pork chop. But that’s ok. I ate his dog food  (Ate Quotes) People ate bread made of the shells of peas because there was no flour  (Ate Quotes) My best year of track competition was the first year I ate a vegan diet  (Ate Quotes) We set the table, but no one ate  (Ate Quotes) In my dreams I ate and I ate my dreams  (Ate Quotes) Since we ate taking orders, get me some sunchips!  (Ate Quotes) Can the cannibal speak in the name of those he ate?  (Ate Quotes) I think she ate a salad and some soup. And loneliness. She ate that, too  (Ate Quotes) I can remember what I ate. Coconut squares dipped in chocolate, wrapped in gold paper  (Ate Quotes) I think I just ate my willpower  (Ate Quotes) I ate your keys so you never have to leave me again  (Ate Quotes) One time, I was so hungry, I ate the beans in a bean bag chair  (Ate Quotes) I worked like a horse and I ate like a hog and I slept like a dead man  (Ate Quotes) It was my pork chop. But that’s ok. I ate his dog food.  (Ate Quotes) We ate simply, we were healthy, and we were uninterested in those things that should be called possessions not because they are possessed but because they possess. Those ten years were the happiest of my life save the first ten, the years in which I had neither position nor success, and no one took notice of me. Those were the years of the parent holding the child in his arms, lifting him high in the air, and pulling him close. As I held my own son, when he was a baby, God was right there  (Ate Quotes) I do the same exercises I did 50 years ago and they still work. I eat the same food I ate 50 years ago and it still works  (Ate Quotes) The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going  (Ate Quotes) The woman you put here with me, she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it  (Ate Quotes) You see my adjutant made rather a silly mistake. He hadn't had much truck with boots before and the silly fellow thought they were extra rations. My men ate the whole bag of tricks last night  (Ate Quotes) A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a big Amarone  (Ate Quotes) Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill  (Ate Quotes) It was as if a morning glory had bloomed in her throat, and all that blue and small pollen ate into my heart, violent and religious  (Ate Quotes) The trenchant blade, toledo trusty, for want of fighting was grown rusty, and ate into itself, for lack of somebody to hew and hack  (Ate Quotes) When I ate vanilla frosting straight from the can, I could feel God standing right nest to me like a real best friend, watching, and smiling, and wishing he had a mouth  (Ate Quotes) In order to pass the time I told him the story of the German who ate the other German whom he'd met on the internet  (Ate Quotes) Some of the young ladies even ate the salmon without concern to vital humors - when everyone knew colored fish flesh could bring on an attack of hysteria  (Ate Quotes) The need of exercise is a modern superstition, invented by people who ate too much and had nothing to think about. Athletics don't make anybody long lived or useful  (Ate Quotes) I will not eat anything that walks, runs, skips, hops or crawls. God knows that I've crawled on occasion, and I'm glad that no one ate me  (Ate Quotes)
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